Thursday, December 31, 2009
I know it's been a while
1)Read Primal by Mark Batterson. Right now I really feel God wants to reveal His heart to me in a new and deeper way. Glad I have Primal to assist with that, it's a good read. I've received a few emails, had a few conversations and have experienced some incredible heart surgery from God in the last few weeks. I'm still on the table, so I can't tell you everything yet.
2)My son and I will be diving into the book of Proverbs starting tomorrow. Last night we had a talk about investing money. I compared an empty ziplock bag and what daily investmants into that bag looks like after some time. I told Isaiah, we are going to invest into his life with wisdom and life lessons from Proverbs. Since Isaiah likes Star Wars, I put it this way it's Jedi Training through Proverbs.
3)Last Sunday was our final Sunday being the Campus Pastors of Christian Worship Center Milpitas. With the Holidays and just being busy, I've had little time to debrief things in my own life. For the first week I plan on really getting quiet with God and listening, finding new energy, new passion and deeper insight. Now is the best time. For those who don't know a team and myself litterally went from attending a church to leading a church in a matter of days. It's hard work especially when everyone works, goes to school, has families, and wear multiple hats in ministry. I really feel like God had us in boot camp. "Suffering clarifies the call" As much as I tried to strategize for a war it was too much. You can't strategize a war when your still being made into a soldier, you have no idea how to fight it. I learned alot being in Milpitas a new way how to fight for my spiritual life, marriage, my children, my integrity and for people. I discovered a whole new level of leadership. I litterally can take a look back at the last two years and can identify chapters from God's chalkboard lesson that he had us on. A Major part of my debriefing is to identify and document those chapters and I hope to share those with you soon.
For right now those are the top three things that I'm intensely focusing on in the next week(s) for my spiritual life.
In a little over 12 hours, for some less, a new year unfolds and not only that, but a new decade. When I look at the last decade, I realize that there were some moments when I wasted time, opportunity and had some priorities mixed up. My number 1 goal for 2010 and as a new decade unfolds, Make sure God's in it or I don't want to be a part of it. I need and want God DESPERATELY in EVERYTHING I put my hand, heart and energy to. When God's my priority, desire, and purpose, life is SO MUCH better. Get ready! It's a new time, a new season, your time is now, the best is yet to come. Shake off failure, past dissapointments, hurts, procrastination and hesitation and put the pedal to the metal on your potential and thrive in the life that God has for you. IT's YOUR YEAR! See you in 2010!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gratitude Challenge - Day 7
“Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 21 And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1: 20-21
Impossible! A virgin women pregnant? Not only did Joseph believe it , but Mary did as well. In fact, I love the response of Mary that is found in Luke 1 “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.”
This passage today made me think of my own mother and the women of God that she is, she dared to believe God and always stood by the scripture with God all things are possible. My mom absolutely refused to allow our ship (family) to sink! My mother made sure we ate as a family at the table because "the family that eats together, stays together." My mom worked, cared for a home, washed our clothes, had to be a father at times, sacrificed constantly, raised four children by herself and managed to be in the choir at church and teach Sunday school.
One time, on my birthday my mother could not afford a birthday cake, so what did she do? My mom looked for bottles to recycle just so that I could have a cake for my birthday. I could go on and on of the hard times we went through and how we weathered the storm but I choose to dwell on the facts that my mom always had a song in her heart, always knew God is faithful and made sure as a family we would stick together no matter what. Nothing was impossible, she believed it, passed it on to me and today I'm passing that on to you. I'm so thankful for my awesome mother Sandra Vasquez who is the best. I'm living a great story because of great mother who lived her story great despite the hardships and difficulties. Thanks Mom!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Whats been happening at "The M"
-We've been on a series entitled "Inspired" The story God's telling. In life there are two stories the story we are living and the story God want's to tell. When our story and God's story link up that's where the greatest dreams, biggest potential, and greatest life is discovered and lived it's where you live life and give life "Inspired"
-Prayer/Team journaling was incredible this weekend. How important it is for every member of the team to speak the same language, have the same heart and feel the same burden. Amazing things happen when there is Synergy!
-Spoke on Dreams this weekend and how inspired people live with Great Dreams. “God doesn't like hard or difficult dreams, he likes them impossible!” It’s amazing the size and amount of doors that God will open if we simply dare to go after the impossible.
-How can we put this into practice today! On our notes was an area to write My Dream: I then gave the opportunity for people to read/share their dream to everyone in the crowd. Tears began to flow as people began to share their dreams. Especially when two homeless guys began to share what their dream was.
Charles- Who was a sniper in the military has battled with Post Traumatic Stress for sometime now. With tears in Charles eyes, he simply said "I just want to do God's will" It was the simplest and most powerful declaration of a dream that I've ever heard. We honored Charles not because he's homeless, but because of what's He's done for our country, what he's battled with and how he's still has a dream to please God!
-There was such a "BIG Atmosphere" this weekend; it allowed people to see God bigger, believe God for Bigger and dream Bigger. Bases are loaded, were bringing in the runs, and I can’t wait for this weekend!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
72 Hours
1) In leadership seperation is a good thing. I need to seperate, gather my thought life, hear from God through the bible/journaling. Seperation and Isolation are two different things. Seperation I'm running to God, isolation takes place when I'm running away from everything including God. I found I seperate better on paper then in front of a computer. The computer poses to many distractions for ie. Twitter, Facebook, Tech stuff. I'm learning to steward my computer time.
2) I've been asking too small, and walking like it. God's grace goes so much further than just to get you through the day. God's grace empowers your to live extraordinary. With God's grace comes inspiration, rejuvination, encouragement, creativity, productivity, ingenuity, strength, rest, future and that's just a small list and it's yours to live and yours to give. Take a whole new approach when you ask God for Grace. Take a look at John Bevere's book Extraordinary
3) It's amazing the doors God will open if you just begin to walk towards them. Whatever it is that stops us from walking towards God's plan, His Will and purpose for our lives, when we finally break free of those barriers and just walk, God will start opening some amazing doors.
There's so much more that I received from the last 4 days but these are the main highlights. Inspired Sermon #2 coming up shortly.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Did you know that you inspire God?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
He's only 7yrs old and he inspires me...
Then last week we got on the topic of Brazil for some reason and the question came up. "Dad do we have a CWC in Brazil", I replied "no son we do not." The response I got and what followed is still blowing me away days later. "Well dad we gotta go to Brazil and open a CWC over there too" I replied "replied what about China?" "We're still going to China, then after it will be Brazil" my son replied.
Again, these are the words of a seven year old and to him traveling around the world, preaching Jesus, and opening churches is normal thing, it's just the way that life is and what we are suppose to do. When I look at the destinations in my son's heart compared to the destinations in my own, his look much riskier, and crazier but he belives and say's it like it's completely accomplishable and something that will happen in the future.
I thank God that my wife and I have been able to encourage my son to believe God in the impossible and he believes it. I also thank God for allowing us to install compassion in my son for those that do not know Jesus. But today, I must say son, you inspire me, you inspired me to continue to believe as you do with a childlike faith and trusting God will provide a way no matter what. Thank you Lord for my son Isaiah and my daughter Leia, the lessons, encouragement, and strength that you have taught me through their little lives is priceless.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Welcome All!

God Bless and Welcome!
The Bumper Sticker

What are you thankful for?
Yup that's it, told you it wasn't magical. We made a decision after reading that bumper sticker that when life get's tough and when we may not be seeing each other eye to eye and the air is thick with attitude we are going to stop and tell each other what we are thankful for. I declared it, we agreed as a family and we did it.
So, in our little green Honda Accord, we went around saying, what we were thankful for. Even my 2 yr old gave her thanks. "Uhm I'm thankful for Zai Zai" (her brother) What a powerful moment, what an attitude adjuster, what a powerful life lesson. If your going through it today, if your attitude is slightly sour, if your confused or frustrated, stop and think: What are you thankful for?
Friday, October 23, 2009
With Excellence

I am a student of one of the greatest teachers of excellence that I know. I've learned a whole lot from my Pastor, mentor and friend, Pastor Dan Vera, What I've learned most is that excellence must be a standard that we always keep ahead of us in anything we do for God. Excellence is as plain as black and white. Sometimes excellence means you must play hurt, other times it means suck it up and get the job done all the way, but one thing that excellence always is, "Doing the best that you can, with what you have"
Just moments ago I text some of my team and I brought up a question that we ask now and then to grade our level of excellence. "Can you see the heart?" Here the answers I got back:
1) Getting back...
2) No, I feel disconnected
3) I feel like everything is moving too fast
4) Vaguely
Why am I showing this too you? Why am I exposing our current struggle? Why am I being so vulnerable? Because, You can't do anything excellent if one ingredient is missing, HEART, and all of our hearts have a way of straying. Life, schedules, jobs, problems, family, stress, etc. all of it has a way of affecting your heart and if your in ministry like I am how do you continue to do things with excellence when your heart is under all of that? Truthfully you can't, and if you try, there will be this unsatisfying feeling in your gut because heart was missing. I'll be honest I hate that feeling. I can't stand to think I'm wasting time, life and energy because I can't find the heart.
So what are we going to do?
Maybe under difference circumstances, but we've been here before, so we know what to do. We may be tired, stretched thin, and even burdened with some stuff, but we know where we want to go, and where God wants us. We know how to find heart again.
I know with that simple text just moments ago, people are beginning to think, regroup and prepare to encourage one another. I can hear the question now, "How's the heart?" Can you see it? Can you feel it? Can we pray about it? If excellence is your standard, find the heart, don't wait, find it now. Say a simple prayer and ask God to help you get back on track. David's prayer in the bible was this "I will not offer to God that which cost me nothing"
Anything with heart involved will cost you something, but in the end, it cost you more if you live without heart. Find the heart again and live excellent.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I don't have what it takes, but I'm still standing

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G worked together for my good.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Inspired Pt.1

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just let it go, somehow, some way...
Listen, people are going to disappoint you, you will have unmet expectations in life, and you will experience hurt and after each of those moments you will have a decision to make. You will have the decision to let it go on, or to seriously let it go and give it to God. I look at it this way, the longer I hold onto things that hurt, disappoint and anger me the longer I get hurt in the end. If you grabbed a cast iron pan that was hot by the handle you would get seriously burned, but who would continue to clinch their fist around the handle and hold onto it? It's the same way in life, you have to do everything in your power to let things go otherwise you'll continue to get hurt. Truthfully I've gotten burned while cooking a lot, but I hardly have any scars at all because I let go quickly, get the picture?
Let it go, somehow, some way, find an alone place with God and let it go, you'll be glad that you did.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Back Burner

If I ever have the chance, I just might take up being a chef on the side... I love cooking so here's another cooking illustration for you. Sometimes when I cook I can have as much as three to four things on the stove as I prepare a meal. The front two burners are the most important, I need to watch those items, pay extra attention and make sure I revisit them often. The items on the back burner however are different. Items on the back burner are an important part of my menu, but they will always have reduced flame, reduced attention and reduced priority.
Sadly many people, (and I have been guilty of this as well) place God on the back burner of their lives. How can we expect to have a life that is piping hot with purpose, bubbling with blessing, and as flavorful as life can get, if our relationship with God is on the back burner? Isn't it true that the minute things go wrong, take an unexpected turn and we have no answers, is the same minute we put God back on the front burner again? If there is one thing that I've learned is this "if anything is before God everything will eventually fail." You and I cannot, and should not, even attempt life with God on the back burner. You need God, burning, bubbling, and boiling hot first in your life otherwise your purpose, destiny, and greatest dreams are just simmering and probably just barely at that. Keep God on the front burner and your life will flourish beyond measure.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Something small but powerful...
Next I saw the American flag, although it was flying, it was barely able to fly. A corner of the flag was actually folded up and the flag looked incomplete. I believe that there is a grace upon our nation that is allowing us to rebound from one of the greatest economic struggles we have ever seen. It's not the Fed lowering interest rates, it's not jobs starting to come back, it's not even a different president that is keeping America flying, it's the grace of God.
Lastly I saw the Christian Flag, and this flag although it was being pounded by wind and rain continued to fly as if there was no storm at all. I love what a visiting speaker at our church recently said "There is no crisis when Christ is." When Christ is...your trust, hope, strength, and faith, no matter what, you will be able to fly. The crisis, rain, wind, and storms of life no matter how ugly, how big, and how long they may seem to last cannot stop who Christ is. Your meant to soar, meant to fly, meant to spread your wings in this life and be the best You that God has called you to be. Fly today, no matter what your crisis is...because Christ is...
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..." Psalm 23:6
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Daisy Cutter

Heard something from The Nines conference yesterday that really spoke into my life, I'm applying it a little different, it's about The Daisy Cutter weapon. The Daisy cutter is the largest conventional weapon in existence, it weighs 15,000 pounds and 17 feet long. I learned originally the Daisy Cutter was used less as a lethal and destructive weapon, and more as a psychological tool. In other words it had a lot of bang but not a lot of buck.
In life, leadership and ministry it's easy to get spread really thin fast. Here's the danger: although you may be competent of many things you can only be great at one thing, several things at most. Chances are, if your plate is filled too much, your making a big bang, but that bang doesn't have a lasting effect. In other words I've become a weapon of intimidation for the kingdom instead of a weapon of transformation. The danger of being a Daisy Cutter leader is at first it seems like it works, but in the end you work harder especially after you find out it's not working. Here are some things I recommend.
1) Find out what your core competencies are (In 8 words or less can you define who you are as a leader)
2) If multiple responsibilities is a must, what is the first hat that you can give away? I guarantee there is at least one hat you might be wearing that fits you good but it will fit someone else great.
3) Ask for Wisdom on how to lead. Wisdom was the first thing King Solomon asked to lead God's people. God loves people, and if He trust me to lead them, they deserve to be led well.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
And Dad...I love my God
Yes, joyful are those who live like this! Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15
Joyful are those who have made the Lord their God. When I read this scripture today I was reminded an event that took place approximately two weeks ago. It was a Sunday and we had a great time at church and also went out to eat with some friends after wards. My son and I were alone in the room taking his shoes off when he mentioned to me. "Dad I love my my mom...and I love you Dad...and I love my God." I was taken back by the words of my son, because they are powerful words.
I've often said this, anyone can be a father, but not everyone can be a Dad. To me a Dad shows love to their children is their for them but not just physically but spiritually as well. I've realize that I have a responsibility as a Dad to spiritually nurture my children just as much as I do physically. But here's the way this works my actions physically, my words, my behavior, my character will setup and example whether my children are receptive to what I try to teach them spiritually. If I'm just talking but I'm not walking what I'm trying to teach them about the bible will go in one ear and out the other. I need to make sure that I remember these two components to fatherhood go hand in hand. You can teach your children spiritually if you haven't walked it physically. In a few weeks I'll be sharing at our men's conference and I will be speaking from the movie Gladiator. In particular I'm speaking on one famous phrase and it's messing me up inside. "Your faults as a son, are my failures as a father" I never want those words or that thoughts to be true of my life. It's important that I take this scripture to heart today and live it and duplicate it in my children.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday Recap (Just being real)
- If you only knew how many times I've felt like I just didn't have it in me to preach on Sundays. It's not a bad place to be in because even when I thought I've had it, I really didn't, truthfully I never have had it. It's always been the strength of God that has carried me and allowed me to do what I do. Not having it means I'm depending more on who does have it and He's the one I'm preaching about every week. Yesterday was one of the "I don't have it" mornings but I've quickly been able to train my heart to recalibrate to Who does, so yesterday ROCKED!
- If you only knew how many times I've felt alone. Like I'm carrying something all by myself, am I kidding myself in thinking this could really be done? "Is there anyone else that believes as strongly as I do?" Is it supposed to be this way? The truth is yes, at least for a portion of the time. Somebody has to feel the burden, someone has to feel the pain of "what could be and should be", someone has to dream, if not you then who? You might dream alone, burden alone, even feel like it's your pain alone, but don't you dare ever run alone. You need God and you need people to help you accomplish what He has birthed in your heart to do. Yesterday we came together not as ministers, pastors or interns. We simply came together as a family, as a team of people who love God and we ran together. I took what I had prayed about, worked hard to prepare, and prayed over throughout the week and multiplied it in the leadership, then we together multiplied it in a service so it could be duplicated in homes, families and eventually a city. Your not alone in the mission, it just starts with you.
- If you only knew how many times I've felt lost, like I've missed a turn somewhere along the way and don't know where to turn next. Saturday, the day right before I'm supposed to speak into peoples lives and show them the way I felt like I lost the way. It wasn't just last Saturday, it's a lot of Saturdays. That phrase "living by faith" is not a loose term for me anymore. I listened to a message last Saturday that was passed on by my good friend Pastor Nick. A quote was mentioned that rocked my world. "The biggest room in your brain better be reserved for things you don't understand, because if you need to understand everything before you trust God or serve God then you don't understand the concept of faith"- Jentezen Franklin. Listen to me your only as lost as your faith is. You can be 100% certain in the unknown if you have faith. I allowed Saturday to fuel my Sunday.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Project: Giving A New Start

I'm excited to tell you about an opportunity that is presently taking place within Christian Worship Center of Milpitas and San Jose. Every year more and more children are showing up to their first day of school without school supplies such as pencils, folders and backpacks. With the current economic downturn we want to be able to help our community by assisting as many children as we can by providing the necessary tools to start the year right. Our interns program has recently launched Project: Giving a New Start which will collect monetary donations as well as school supplies to help the school children of our community.
How Can I Help?
There are three ways that you can help Project Give a New Start
2) Follow us on Twitter or our Facebook page and pass the word around to your friends and families.
3) Lastly you can help by purchasing items that we are in need of.
The Blog for Giving A New Start can be found here
Every little bit helps, together we can invest into the future of children who are desperately in need.
God Bless

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday Recap Aug 16th
-Same time, different schedule today. I started playing some music over the sound system and just focusing on God. Before I knew it there was a group of people with me praying and stuff. It's those impromptu moments when God gets your complete attention that changes everything in your day.
-The worship team setup the service so crazy today, music was on, words were on, most of all the heart was on. When we bring our best to God as ministers, God does amazing things in our lives and the lives we are ministering to simultaneously.
- We continued our "At the Movies" Series. Santz spoke on Life Lessons from the Darkest Moments of your life. Santz spoke on when it's our darkest moment, God is actually doing his greatest work. The final question was simple and straight to the point. "Do you trust God?"
-I really believe that there is a lot of heart surgery going on in our church right now. I mean that in a good way. I guess that's why this post is so serious. I feel my heart being worked on and I can see it taking place in the lives of others. People are receiving hope, healing from hurts, past is being broken and hearts are being stirred for an incredible future. Something powerful and special is happening. Can't wait to speak next week.
Much love everyone, have an awesome week.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Google vs. God

Are we trusting Google more then we trust God? Is Google getting more hits then people are praying to God? Reading an article earlier today certainly points that way. "Google it" has become a popular catch phrase probably more then you hear "pray about it." I know God and Google are not in a search engine war, but here's my point and this is where I believe the heart of our society has gone. With Google I can find results almost immediately. With God sometimes my search results are "wait". With Google I can pick and choose which answer I like best. With God His answers are not always easy to accept. "Googling it" doesnt take much effort, while "Seeking Him" will require effort through prayer and reading the bible. So what's the point?
We want answers in life quick, want answers our way and we want them with little to any effort. But here's where Google cannot compare:
Google made the application "google earth" but God created that earth and everything in it.
Google's super powered servers cannot compare to the knowledge of God.
Google results cannot compare to the best results that God has for your life.
What else?
Today, people are facing the greatest amount of uncertainty that they've possibly have experienced their entire lives. Another fact of life is; Life will produce more questions then answers at times and during those moments only God can help. People are searching...bottom line. People are searching for hope, peace, encouragement, value and purpose Google may be able to point you to some sites to find direction but only God can make those things come into fruition in your life.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August 11th 2009 Journal
I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. John 13:15
When John 13 takes place it was custom to have an area for people to wash their feet. The roads were not paved and were pretty much loose gravel and dirt. There were no cars so you could imagine what the feet of of someone who wore sandals looked like back in this day. Jesus does something extremely incredible in this chapter he washes the feet of the disciples including the disciple who would betray him. After all is said and done Jesus say's "I have given you an example to follow, Do as I have done to you." So I asked myself what are the examples that we see that Christ is asking of me today.
There are three things that I see in the example of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples:
These three areas do not come easy. Matter of fact for most people none of these characterisitcs come naturally. Jesus said follow my example so if I am to do this what must I do. I took self inventory and came up with the following:
Humility- It's not about me being right it's about what's the right thing to do.
Servanthood- It's not about me being a slave, it's about putting values on others before myself.
Forgivness- It's more for me then for the other person that has offended or hurt me.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Going throught the motions Pt. 2
I don't want to just show up, I want to be ALL there so here are a couple of questions that I've asked myself to get myself all there.
1) What does my life look like right now?
Life is either invested or spent. Investment means there will be a return. If I'm spending there will be little to any return at all. Are you a spender or an investor of your life?
2) What are the important things that I need to keep important today?
It's easy to replace the important things in life with the urgent things of life. What are the important things you might ask? The important things are the things that are going to matter, 2, 5, 20, 100 years from now, those things easily get lost within the urgency of life.Write down a list of the top 10 things that you absolutely cannot ignore for the day. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
3) What refuels my life and how often do I require a recharge?
I am good for nothing if I do not have rest. I'm not talking just 8 hours sleep. I'm talking about rest in my heart, mind, soul, finding this type of rest is intentional. When the refueling of my mind, heart and soul is absent in my life I'm heading for a breakdown. It's not that I've lost my passion, energy, my creativity, it's that I haven't taken time to recharge the very things that ignite those things in my life.
If you are leader in anyway, work, home, church etc. You are responsible for bringing the best you possible, this means that you are all there. Your passion, energy, and presence is critical and it's vital. Take advantage of these three questions and apply them to your life.
Going throught the motions Pt. 2
I don't want to just show up, I want to be ALL there so here are a couple of questions that I've asked myself to get myself all there.
1) What does my life look like right now?
Life is either invested or spent. Investment means there will be a return. If I'm spending chances are I won't little to any return at all. Are you a spender or an invester of your life?
2) What are the imporant things that I need to keep important today?
It's easy to replace the important things in life with the urgent things of life. What are the important things you might ask? The important things are the things that are going to matter, 2, 5, 20, 100 years from now, those things easily get lost within the urgency of life.Write down a list of the top 10 things that you absolutely cannot ignore for the day. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
3) What brings refuels my life and how often do I require a recharge?
I am good for nothing if I do not have rest. I'm not talking just 8 hours sleep. I'm talking about rest in my heart, mind, soul, finding this type of rest is intentional. When the refueling of my mind, heart and soul is absent in my life I'm heading for a breakdown. It's not that I've lost my passion, energy, my creativity, it's that I haven't taken time to recharge the very things that ignite those things in my life.
If you are leader in anyway, work, home, church etc. You are responsible for bringing the best you possible, this means that you are all there. Your passion, energy, and presence is critical and it's vital. Take advantage of these three questions and apply them to your life.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Going throught the motions Pt. 1
Here's where barely getting by gets you to, it get's you to A-V-E-R-A-G-E. If you want the average life, the average marriage, average job, average everything in life then just keep showing up and going through the motions, but if you want to be all there in life, if you want passion, energy and enthusiasm in life, relationships, and purpose then you can no longer just go through the motions.
I'll cover some questions in my next blog post that will help get out of going through the motions.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Been a while
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Problem or Opportunity?
Breakdown Phase: When everything is overwhelming, unsettled and direction is hard to find. I can hear life, hear problems, hear circumstances louder then I hear God at this moment.
Pause Phase: Like calm in the middle of a storm. Sometimes I can intentionally pursue these moments, other times they are just planned by God and His direction and His plan is clear as day. Renewed strength, passion begins to build and purpose becomes clearer.
Breakout Phase: Just like Beniah of the bible of II Samuel 23:20. I begin to chase what I was running from before.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Just Thought You Should Know...
No one can measure the depths of his understanding. Isaiah 40:28
Wake up! and smell the Jehovah Java, this is is one of those double shot of espresso scriptures challenging my life today to wake up. Look alive, walk with some hope, with some trust in God. Walk like your Daddy can beat up anything, because He can. Isaiah 40:25 say's "Who is my equal?, say's the Holy One. God's never had a challenge, never been contended against, never been rivaled. God does not worry, does not get tired, does not lose energy. The doors God opens nobody can close, and the doors He closes nobody can open. Nobody's NO is bigger then God's YES. He is second to no one, before was, was, God WAS. He is the undisputed, undefeated, HEAVY weight Glory of the entire universe and them some. Would you help me welcome into your life, into every circumstance, into any and every arena of challenge life might present. He's the dream maker, the purpose behind my purpose, the author and finisher of our faith, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the bright and morning star, the always present, all powerful... the one...the only....God the Almighty.
Just thought you should know...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Default Setting
There are two types of people in the world, complainers and worshipers, and there isn't much circumstantial difference between the two. Complainers will always have something to complain about, worshipers will always find something to praise God about. They simply have different default settings - Mark Batterson, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.
Reading this scripture today reminded me about my default setting. I'll be honest, there's a lot going on in my life right now, a lot of pressure, a lot of demand and it almost seems easier to set my heart on complaint mode rather then worship mode. There are moments when a default setting to worship God, and trust that God is bigger then our problem will not come automatic, it's times like this when worship must become intentional. The scripture today gives perfect example of what intentional worship looks like. You may be going through a struggle right now, But as for me... may be facing tremendous pressure in life right now...But as for me...may even feel like giving in...BUT-AS-FOR-ME... I will always proclaim what God has done... Where's your default setting today?
Much Love
Friday, July 17, 2009
Vision Test
For the Lord has poured out on you a spirit of deep sleep. He has closed the eyes of your prophets and visionaries. Isaiah 29:10
It did not take me long to journal on this passage today. What caught my attention was the word "Visionarie" A Visionarie is what I believe God has called me to be, a person who brings life to people, families, regions, for without Vision people perish. This scripture today is talking about a people who had their own plan, tried to do things their way and stopped being obedient to the word of the Lord. As a result the Lord poured out a spirit of sleep, and the eyes of the prophets and the visionaries were closed.
"To test vision, you must test the heart first" If disobedience closes the eyes of vision I want to be obedient to the point that I live life in High Definition. I want to be able to hear a now word from God, not yesterdays revelation, not a revelation from someone else, I want to hear what God wants to do and say today. What a terrible sight to be closed off to Vision. To be closed off to the heartbeat of God, to be closed off from His plan, His purpose and His will.
Let me see God, and when I can't or if my vision becomes faint help me to go back and check to make sure that I'm doing everything right, everything the way you want. Help me Lord to remember the vision test.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Beautiful Struggle

Feeling the grind today, the best way that I can explain it is that in between stage of where I'm at and what I'm called to do. Sometimes it's easy to get impatient and frustrated because life goes around once. I don't know if you have ever been there, but I guarantee you, you will. Like a butterfly in the cocoon it must go through a struggle before it can become all that it was intended to be. In the struggle is where the greatest work of God is taking place. Remain faithful wherever your at and God will promote you to where your supposed to be. Thank you Lord because the metamorphosis has begun.
Now may the God of peace—who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—may He equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Path

"...Mark out a straight path for your feet..." Hebrews 12:13
Recently I heard Andy Stanleys Leadership Podcast on the principle of the path. The principle of the path says this: "Your direction determines your destination" and to take it even deeper "intention will not determine your destination." These are pretty easy concepts to understand especially when we are driving or on a hike. If I want to drive to the beach which is west of us but I start driving EAST it does not matter how much I intended to get to the beach I will not end up there. My destination was determined by path I chose and the direction I took. This is where this scripture spoke to me because in life the principle of the path is something that we easily ignore and we find ourselves lost, find ourselves without direction and then ask ourselves later "How did I end up here?" The bible says to "Mark out a straight path for your feet..." and in Hebrews 12:2 we find exactly what path to take and it says, "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith."
The encouragement of the bible today is "Make sure Jesus is in front of the path that your on." When Christ is leading the path, the destination of my life will be exactly where it's supposed to be and it will be the most fulfilling and rewarding when this takes place. I've always said it takes 3 people to make a marriage work, it takes a Husband, a Wife and Jesus, I've marked out a straight path for my marriage. I believe the key to me being the best father, leader, friend and person is when my life is guided by the standards that God shows us in His word. Maybe you need to mark out a straight path for your marriage today, as a parent, for your finances or in your spiritual life, mark it out, make sure Jesus is in front and follow Him.
If there is any area, any area at all that I am not on the right path on I give you permission to realign my life, my heart and my direction today. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Seeing From A Distance

"...but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it..." Hebrews 11:13
Faith gives us the ability to see from a distance what may be extremely far away. Sometimes victory in our lives seems so far away. Sometimes a dream is only but a beat in your heart but faith brings the assurance that one day it will eventually be in your hand.
Ever watch something from a distance, to catch a bigger view you look through binoculars. Faith is just like a pair of binoculars it allows you to see from a distance no matter how far or how absent your promise may seem. The moment you look through a pair of binoculars, what may be far away jumps in front of you instantly. There have been times in my life when what I dream about, hoped for and believed in, seemed so far away but the minute I look through God's binoculars I find the assurance and strength to keep moving on. Those "binocular moments" though at times are small, are incredibly powerful, powerful enough to get me through a tough day, powerful enough to keep me from the tipping point and powerful enough to keep me going stronger then before that moment took place.
Can you see from a distance today, take time to peer through God's binoculars and see what God has planned for you...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Without wavering...

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise Hebrews 10:23
The potential to lose at anything in life is when you waver. In sports, nobody has ever played a perfect season, not every pitch is a strike, not every ball is caught, and in life it's the same way. Hebrews 10:23 say's "Let us hold tight without wavering" "Without wavering does not mean perfect progression, it means progression without losing sight of your goal no matter what"
Wavering is not when you are tired, frustrated or even pushed to the limit of breakdown, wavering is when facing those challenges and becoming undecided about your goal. It's when your mind becomes unresolved about who God say's you are. Wavering is when all of the sudden you begin to think, "who was I kidding", "what was I thinking", "this is not me". Without doubt, your life will face challenges on the way to believing and seeing what God has actually planned for your life. Too many people give up when their victory is right around the corner, they give up on their children, give up on their marriage, give up on God, give up on life.
Don't allow what's happens to you in life to effect your God given goal for life. I prayed for a young man this weekend at church and God put something in my heart for him that was powerful. I mentioned to this young man "Life has tried to make you feel like a bronze all your life, but God is telling you to go for the gold." Don't allow God's word, His promise, His design for your life to become skewed, hold on with every bit of strength you have and when your out of strength know that God's strength takes over. Frustration will challenge your grip, but wavering begins the process of loosening it. Hold on tightly without wavering...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday Recap July 12th

-Went to sleep thinking about church, woke up thinking up about church. Every Sunday I get to influence, challenge, and encourage lives to live for Jesus. It's some of the most precious 75 minutes of my week and I absolutely do not take it lightly NOT ONE BIT.
-Felt like tweeting the following post last night, but really felt it should wait. Found out a few other Pastors that I follow on Twitter had the same encouraging heart this morning.
Here's what they posted, mine is towards the end:
Pastors...if HE really is THE MOST HIGH GOD...then PREACH today like THAT IS TRUE!!! BRING IT...hell is too hot for us to be cowards! - Perry Noble Newspring Church, South Carolina
Pastors-today you'll come to a point in your msg where you'll think: "I can't say that." Say it.
Steve Furtick, Elevation church, North Carolina
Hey Pastors & Worship Leaders: Let's serve God with our whole heart today! Our God is ALIVE and cares about us! How awesome?! Shaunk King, Courageous Church, Atlanta
Is there any greater cause than the cause of Christ? Luv incredibly, inspire hearts & touch lives. Preach 4 a generation u might never see.
- I visited our lead campus in San Jose early before our service, had to see the rest of the family. Feeling like God is about to do something incredibly special and unique...and I'm not just saying that. It's time for the greatness to show up in peoples lives, take a risk for God.
-Our worship band is going through a HUGE transition right now. Our team of musicians and singers are up for the challenge and they brought it HARD today. So proud of them. Incredible time praying with people smack in the middle of worship. Great call Jesse, great call.
-Something that has happened often at our church is meeting new faces from far, far, away. Met a new guy this weekend all the way from Germany. Toby loved service, loves journaling and we loved him right back. Hey Toby I feel like your family already man.
-My Boy Santos preached, he lived with me for several years while in Masters Commission, you know what that means it's roast Pastor Ant time. Man Santz called me an instigator, big smack talker and super competitive. I get to preach next week bro remember that. Ah ah aha.
- We've been discovering God's blueprint the past weeks, this week Santz talked about living it. Straight from 1 Kings 19, Elijah hid in the cave, although victorious in the previous chapter, in 19 he was fearful and discouraged. Sometimes that's us in life. We stop living God's purpose, we hide in the cave and God calls out "What are you doing?" Some people are afraid to live amazing but God has called us to live amazing. -Santos Samayoa. LIVE YOUR PURPOSE. Powerful message. I love to hear Santos speak, because I remember him when he was just a ruddy kid like David in the bible, now he's a Giant Killer. Love you Santz, your the man dude, you and your soon to be wife had such a HUGE influence on today's service, amazing.
-Getting ready to start a new series in a few weeks. "At the Movies" courtesy of Pastor Angel Menchaca from CWC Dinuba Thanks bro, you inspired me. Also we are taking a new initiative towards building a journaling culture and life on life growth. Can't wait to unveil this new experiment.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sometimes it's easier...

Been having this thought and have experienced a bit this week so I had to blog on it. "It comes natural to live by feeling then to live by faith" It's easier to live by what you know then to pursue what you don't know. It's easier to believe where your at then to trust in where your going. Truth is, you block the greatest you when you allow feeling to run your life rather than faith. Your greatest purpose, your greatest potential, your greatest dream, the greatest you will remain unknown without faith. My prayer is that faith becomes natural more then our feelings, deepest fears or biggest roadblocks. God has not called you to live by feeling, He's called you to step out and live by faith. I have a friend who recently wrote a poem. Matter of fact I did not even know that she wrote but glad that she did because it's perfect for this post.
by Amanda Mikkelsen
My mind is racing
Cant seem to help my mate
Brings back such feelings
I cant shake
I know uncertainty; I know the way
It makes you feel as though
The road is clear yet youre no where
Near the path
Lock eyes with the lion
Its your turn to fight
Get up on your game and stride
The strides you know you must take
Your eyes are weary but keep that lock
On him
Things will open up
Things will fall in place
Things will work
Dreams will work
Work until its done
"Faith makes the impossible work"
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday Recap

-Had a fantastic 4th so I was expecting a great Sunday on the 5th
-Launched a new off site LifeGroup at Starbucks. This thing has some amazing potential, were expecting BIG things out of this latest experiment.
-We continued our series on "The Blueprint", but with a twist. Complete video driven sermon, other then the first and last 4 minutes. Great success, many people were touched, a lot of positive feedback. Great experiment... definitely won't be our last.
-Had a chance to talk to several folks during the day and heard some beautiful stories. Take some time, listen to the stories of peoples lives, they are amazing. Thanks Kanchan for sharing your heart and your amazing story, more people need to hear it.
-Ended the day with a great lunch with the team and some shaved ice. Started brainstorming our next series. We have some great ideas, can't wait to see things unfold.
Monday, June 29, 2009
My warning lights

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING Just like a warning light to any gauge in a car, my life's warning lights are going off and it's time to pull over and refuel. There are some simple but extremely practical signs that remind me that it's time to pull over and recalibrate:
1) I can always tell the order of my life by the order of my computer desktop. If my desktop is crazy, icons everywhere, some even overlapping others that's usually how my life is going. Oh I'm productive and I'm busy but too many things overlapping, and the important things easily get missed.
2) Blogging, When I'm blogging it means I'm thinking, when I'm thinking it means I'm finding rest. It's been difficult to find rest lately. I'm talking about that rest in my heart and my mind when I can easily discern the voice of God speaking to my life. If I can give you a better picture it would be like this: at this level of rest it literally feels like God is speaking constantly to you. I'm talking life defining stuff, things that you would not normally think of, things that you could not think of on your own.
3) Physically my body will start to tell me it's time to rest: I know it's not in the bible but sometimes I think God uses a cold to slow me down because sometimes that's the only way I will.
Last year at this time I was burnt and I would continue to ignore the warning lights. I'm not ignoring them, now. Matter of fact I do things a lot differently now. We all have our kryptonite, can't deny it or ignore it. Don't ignore the warning lights when they are blinking in your life. What are your warning lights? Care to share, please comment below, would love to get some feedback on this topic.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Blueprint Moment

Met with my son earlier today, it was his last day at school and he is getting ready to start a new school next month. My wife was also there so I walked both my son and her to the car. As I walked away, I looked back to say bye one more time, sitting in the back seat was my son, his eyes said everything he was feeling. "Daddy, why can't things be the same, why can't I stay here, why can't we just be normal?" Up until two weeks ago my family has lived in the same city for the last seven years. I've had the same job for the last 10 and little Isaiah has gone to the same school for the last two. As of today we have sold much of our possessions, living in one room, my son will be heading to a new school in a new city in a matter of weeks and that's just a small piece of what's really about to happen. Our normal life has changed, it's changed so dramatically that it almost seems easier to go back to being normal.
But, is normal what I really want? Is it where I'm supposed to be?
I think today I experienced one of those blueprint moments with God. I felt as if the creator of my life unfolded the schematics before my very eyes and heart. In fact a scripture that I read today say's this "and your real life is hidden with Christ in God." "Your life was never intended to be normal it was intended to be purposed." Within normality I create my own blueprint only to discover it leads to a dead end. Man is intended to live life everyday with a sense of destiny and to discover how our lives are truly supposed to count for the creator that created us.
I'm not going to lie, I'm uncomfortable, my faith is daily being stretched, but I can't live in the norm because I'll die inside. Today I put my complete trust for my life, my marriage, my family, my team in the hands of an all powerful, all knowing and ever present God. My life was not intended for normality it was intended for a purpose
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday Recap 06-14-09

-Seems like the night before service I was tossing and turning and praying for much of the night. Honestly at around 4am I had a lot of concern going into Sunday. A lot of change in my life taking place right now and still adjusting. But I maintained my position in prayer and wasn't going to allow anything to stop a great day.
-Got to service and I was pumped. Finalizing our message series "Moving Forward", trying some new technical elements, new band on stage, oh yeah and a bbq afterward, can it get any better? You better believe it...
- LifeGroups begin: New folks showing up to journaling class almost an hour before service starts. enerGY, enRGY, ENERY
- And the countdown begins t-30 till service starts, the lights are set, the sound is getting prepped and my heart can't wait to preach. Troy Lepisi has his RUN DMC glasses on. Amanda Mikkelsen and Big Roob are getting ready to lead the team into worship.
- The team prays in the back, we focus on one word. A word that is actually a title from Jake Hamiltons latest CD. The word is "Marked". Our prayer is that people would leave marked by God today and on their way to the mark of their God given destiny.
-Ready, set, go it's 11:17am time for service: Newest addition to CWC Milpitas and the CWC Hawaii team Rev. Julie Grimes opens service for her very first time and definitely not her last. Great job, great intensity.
-Missed a portion of worship. I walked across the way to pick up some Indian food with my buddy Sumant for our BBQ after. That's right Indian Food. Every week I get to preach, Latinos, Whites, Islanders, Asians and Indians. "All races, All Generations, Serving one God"
- My mouth drops for a minute as I walk back into service. Much bigger crowd then last week. Santz opens the sermon, recaps how far we have come the previous weeks. We open with a question via a Txt message poll. As the figures start tallying right before our eyes, people start gasping. (pretty cool). Todays message "Chase the Lion" from 2 Samuel 23:20. When your pursuing a God given destiny you will have to come up against a lion that roars fear, uncertainty, failure, past...Lock eyes with your lion, chase it and take it out.
- Great service, great response, most of all people came to know Jesus as their saviour.
-BBQ time. Actually could smell the smoke during final prayer. I'll admit it, my mind wandered for a split second. Wow Jesse and Troy and Nelson got everything ready to go. I look out and see an awesome community being built. Can't help but smile because of the culture God is building at CWC Milpitas is incredible.
-Almost forgot to mention "I PREACHED IN CONVERSE ON A SUNDAY" Man it was comfortable, wish I could do that every week.
HUGE Momentum at CWC Milpitas right now. I have a convincing feeling, we haven't seen anything yet. BACK to BACK BIG Days coming up. New Message Series "The Blueprint" launches next week. We're also Getting ready to make some big announcements soon toward the building of our community.