A sign that you may be to busy in life is when you find yourself going through the motions. When your busy beyond your capabilities you find your life showing up for everything, being all there for nothing. I think we've all been there, show up to work, church, family time, and not being fully there. When life management slips through the cracks, everything we show up to, are in charge of and are accountable for is average at best. Even our core competencies the things we are good at turn out average because we have just enough emotion, just enough passion, just enough energy to barely get by.
Here's where barely getting by gets you to, it get's you to A-V-E-R-A-G-E. If you want the average life, the average marriage, average job, average everything in life then just keep showing up and going through the motions, but if you want to be all there in life, if you want passion, energy and enthusiasm in life, relationships, and purpose then you can no longer just go through the motions.
I'll cover some questions in my next blog post that will help get out of going through the motions.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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