"...Mark out a straight path for your feet..." Hebrews 12:13
Recently I heard Andy Stanleys Leadership Podcast on the principle of the path. The principle of the path says this: "Your direction determines your destination" and to take it even deeper "intention will not determine your destination." These are pretty easy concepts to understand especially when we are driving or on a hike. If I want to drive to the beach which is west of us but I start driving EAST it does not matter how much I intended to get to the beach I will not end up there. My destination was determined by path I chose and the direction I took. This is where this scripture spoke to me because in life the principle of the path is something that we easily ignore and we find ourselves lost, find ourselves without direction and then ask ourselves later "How did I end up here?" The bible says to "Mark out a straight path for your feet..." and in Hebrews 12:2 we find exactly what path to take and it says, "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith."
The encouragement of the bible today is "Make sure Jesus is in front of the path that your on." When Christ is leading the path, the destination of my life will be exactly where it's supposed to be and it will be the most fulfilling and rewarding when this takes place. I've always said it takes 3 people to make a marriage work, it takes a Husband, a Wife and Jesus, I've marked out a straight path for my marriage. I believe the key to me being the best father, leader, friend and person is when my life is guided by the standards that God shows us in His word. Maybe you need to mark out a straight path for your marriage today, as a parent, for your finances or in your spiritual life, mark it out, make sure Jesus is in front and follow Him.
If there is any area, any area at all that I am not on the right path on I give you permission to realign my life, my heart and my direction today. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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