If I ever have the chance, I just might take up being a chef on the side... I love cooking so here's another cooking illustration for you. Sometimes when I cook I can have as much as three to four things on the stove as I prepare a meal. The front two burners are the most important, I need to watch those items, pay extra attention and make sure I revisit them often. The items on the back burner however are different. Items on the back burner are an important part of my menu, but they will always have reduced flame, reduced attention and reduced priority.
Sadly many people, (and I have been guilty of this as well) place God on the back burner of their lives. How can we expect to have a life that is piping hot with purpose, bubbling with blessing, and as flavorful as life can get, if our relationship with God is on the back burner? Isn't it true that the minute things go wrong, take an unexpected turn and we have no answers, is the same minute we put God back on the front burner again? If there is one thing that I've learned is this "if anything is before God everything will eventually fail." You and I cannot, and should not, even attempt life with God on the back burner. You need God, burning, bubbling, and boiling hot first in your life otherwise your purpose, destiny, and greatest dreams are just simmering and probably just barely at that. Keep God on the front burner and your life will flourish beyond measure.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4
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