How precious are your thoughts about me, oh God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! Psalm 139:17-118
Inspiration in it's simplest definition is the overwhelming urge to do something creative. Have you ever had a great idea that would not go away? Chances are that idea was being fueled by inspiration. Take a look at Psalm 139. The author of this Psalm David, declared this thought about God "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Did you know that you inspire God? You have been created for one amazing story and out of God's overwhelming urge to see YOUR life, your story come into existence, God made you, and right now even as you read this God is inspired about you. In verse 17, 18 of the same scripture it reveals that God thinks about you constantly and even God's thoughts about you outnumber the grains of sand. What is God inspired about? God's inspired about the potential of your life, plan of your life, purpose for your life, reason for your life, God is inspired about the story that HE wants to tell through your life.
Two Stories being told
Life has two stories being told, the story your living and the story God created you to live. Our greatest desire in life should be that our story lines up with God's story because that's where the greatest inspiration takes place. But, often our stories and God stories don't line up, either it's a hurt from the past, a failure, or a present circumstance.
Isn't it true we all want a story that can be told well?
When it comes to your marriage, isn't true our intention that our story be told well? When it comes to our career we want a story that can be told well. When it comes to our children, we would like to inspire them with greatness so that later in life they would tell our story well. Everyone wants a story that in the end can be told well, live past our grave and inspire someone else.
What should I do?
1) Inspired living is living with a heightened awareness of who God is.
Everyday I should live with a heightened awareness of who God is, right here, today, right now!
2) God wants to inspire you through his thoughts.
Everyday there is a new thought that is waiting to fall upon your ears, mind and heart.
3) It's the thoughts of God that bring life to my story.
Everyday your life is designed that it needs to be inspired by God because without it we just exist. To live is to be inspired...
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