Ideas capture the mind, inspiration compels the heart. Why is this, because, anything birthed in the heart is hard to let go. I've had ideas that come and go, ideas that never quite take off or ideas that were just bad all together. Being inspired has a way of getting my full attention and getting the attention of others. Inspiration has a resounding effect on the heart when pursued. When I've been inspired to do something, experience something or accomplish something, there is very little that can stop me especially when I know it's God doing the inspiring. Inspiration is like a fire that consumes a person from the inside, ignites anyone around and spreads even further. Take a look at Twitter, how many times have you seen someone post something inspirational. 75% of people I follow on Twitter and Facebook say something inspirational more than once a week, is that coincidence or am I just following inspirational people? Where does this desire to leave something behind, make an impact, and to say something important come from?
There must be a common denominator...
I believe God wants us to live inspired lives for Him. What does that look like, an inspired life for God? A life inspired by God, is living with a heightened awareness of who God is, His purpose in our lives and lastly a heightened awareness to those who around us daily.
You see, your life is a story, it's a story fearfully and wonderfully created, it's unique and it's to be filled with inspiration. Be inspired... There is more to come on this thought later.
I'm curious though, what or who has inspired you in life? Why? Feel free to comment below.
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