Are we trusting Google more then we trust God? Is Google getting more hits then people are praying to God? Reading an article earlier today certainly points that way. "Google it" has become a popular catch phrase probably more then you hear "pray about it." I know God and Google are not in a search engine war, but here's my point and this is where I believe the heart of our society has gone. With Google I can find results almost immediately. With God sometimes my search results are "wait". With Google I can pick and choose which answer I like best. With God His answers are not always easy to accept. "Googling it" doesnt take much effort, while "Seeking Him" will require effort through prayer and reading the bible. So what's the point?
We want answers in life quick, want answers our way and we want them with little to any effort. But here's where Google cannot compare:
Google made the application "google earth" but God created that earth and everything in it.
Google's super powered servers cannot compare to the knowledge of God.
Google results cannot compare to the best results that God has for your life.
What else?
Today, people are facing the greatest amount of uncertainty that they've possibly have experienced their entire lives. Another fact of life is; Life will produce more questions then answers at times and during those moments only God can help. People are searching...bottom line. People are searching for hope, peace, encouragement, value and purpose Google may be able to point you to some sites to find direction but only God can make those things come into fruition in your life.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." ~ God
Great insight babe. Thank you for speaking my language. I love You.
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