Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise Hebrews 10:23
The potential to lose at anything in life is when you waver. In sports, nobody has ever played a perfect season, not every pitch is a strike, not every ball is caught, and in life it's the same way. Hebrews 10:23 say's "Let us hold tight without wavering" "Without wavering does not mean perfect progression, it means progression without losing sight of your goal no matter what"
Wavering is not when you are tired, frustrated or even pushed to the limit of breakdown, wavering is when facing those challenges and becoming undecided about your goal. It's when your mind becomes unresolved about who God say's you are. Wavering is when all of the sudden you begin to think, "who was I kidding", "what was I thinking", "this is not me". Without doubt, your life will face challenges on the way to believing and seeing what God has actually planned for your life. Too many people give up when their victory is right around the corner, they give up on their children, give up on their marriage, give up on God, give up on life.
Don't allow what's happens to you in life to effect your God given goal for life. I prayed for a young man this weekend at church and God put something in my heart for him that was powerful. I mentioned to this young man "Life has tried to make you feel like a bronze all your life, but God is telling you to go for the gold." Don't allow God's word, His promise, His design for your life to become skewed, hold on with every bit of strength you have and when your out of strength know that God's strength takes over. Frustration will challenge your grip, but wavering begins the process of loosening it. Hold on tightly without wavering...
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