No, I haven't arrived, so don't let this post fool you. I don't have what it takes, but I'm still standing. When I look back at how much I've been stretched, pulled and pressed in life, those words in Romans 8:28 mean so much more to me. "Everything... every difficulty, every pressure, every time I wanted to give up, every time I thought things were not going to work out, every time my wife and I prayed and wondered who are we kidding? Every time I confessed, apologized to my team for not being the leader I felt they deserved, Every time I ran inside, screamed inside, was spinning out of control in my mind.
E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G worked together for my good.
E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G worked together for my good.
I can't explain it fully, all I know is I've had to hunt for what I did not have. I've had to depend on what I could not produce on my own. I've had pursue, depend, and lean on a strength that is not my own. I've had to quiet my life and listen for that single sound whisper that is louder and more powerful then any word produced on this earth. I stand today because of God, and to continue to stand will be because of God, there's absolutely no other way I can put it. I realize now that the times that life felt like it was spinning out of control the most is actually when God was doing His greatest work in me. God loves me, and He loves you, and truthfully you don't have what it takes...but you can still stand when you sit at the feet of Jesus and depend on Him more then you depend on yourself. Your going to make it, you can pull through, because Jesus will get you there...
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