It's Tuesday October 13th, and we are experiencing our first real storm of the rainy season. Tree's are blowing in the wind, palm tree remnants are on the roads and visibility was extremely poor at times during my drive. Something small but powerful caught my attention this morning though as I passed a church during my drive into work. On the church property there are three flag poles, each with a flag hoisted atop. The first flag I noticed was the California state flag, this flag was not blowing at all. Matter of fact the California flag looked like it had been wrung. I begin to think, similar to the state of the California flag, California has been through the wringer in terms of the economy. Families, homes, communities and jobs, have all gone through a tremendous storm that has affected the luster of the Golden State.
Next I saw the American flag, although it was flying, it was barely able to fly. A corner of the flag was actually folded up and the flag looked incomplete. I believe that there is a grace upon our nation that is allowing us to rebound from one of the greatest economic struggles we have ever seen. It's not the Fed lowering interest rates, it's not jobs starting to come back, it's not even a different president that is keeping America flying, it's the grace of God.
Lastly I saw the Christian Flag, and this flag although it was being pounded by wind and rain continued to fly as if there was no storm at all. I love what a visiting speaker at our church recently said "There is no crisis when Christ is." When Christ is...your trust, hope, strength, and faith, no matter what, you will be able to fly. The crisis, rain, wind, and storms of life no matter how ugly, how big, and how long they may seem to last cannot stop who Christ is. Your meant to soar, meant to fly, meant to spread your wings in this life and be the best You that God has called you to be. Fly today, no matter what your crisis is...because Christ is...
"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..." Psalm 23:6
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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