O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1
How many times have I had to go back and redo something over again? Whether it's putting a piece of ready to assemble furniture or driving to a location that I've never before. Life, in the little things and in the big, will require you to go back and do things over at times. I don't have life, have vision, have chasing after a dream all figured it, and so occassionally I get off course without even knowing it. It's usually not a big issue when getting off course in little things like putting a piece of furniture together, but it is a big deal with the big things. We delay God's work in our life, and the work that he wants to do through our lives... the things planned long ago.
Even when I'm not faithful to God's plan, when I lose sight of it, or when I just try to figure out things on my own, God is still faithful to His. Isaiah said that the things contained in God's plan are marvelous. I've marveled at some incredible sights on this earth, snorkeling in Hawaii, the painted skies of New Mexico, the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains all of these sights are marvelous and reflect the creativity and power of God. Ever think what God looks at when He looks at your life? What if God looks at my life the same way I look at creation. What if He marvels, stands back, smiles, and take a deep breath when looking at us live for Him. I believe that's why God created man last, why God shared His breath, why God created man in His image, because of the marvelous things God has planned, the things planned long ago. I feel the Lord telling me today your on a plan today, stick to it, stick close to me, it's a perfect plan and even when your not faithful to it, I am faithful to you. I feel God saying my plan doesn't quit, doesn't lose patience, and doesn't tire. My plan for you is to live a marvelous life. If you would just see the things I have planned for you, the things planned long ago...
Lord guide me today in living your plan for my life... the things you planned with precision with exact detail. Help me to discover daily your blueprint more and more of how I am to live life, chase after a dream, and become all that you have planned of my life and my family. Amen
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