33 He changes rivers into deserts, and springs of water into dry, thirsty land 35 But he also turns deserts into pools of water, the dry land into springs of water. Psalm 107:33,35
God is in control of everything the psalmist used weather and conditions of the land as an example of how God is always in control. The principle that I receive from the reading today is that God is in control of our lives and although we would love for their to be pools and springs of refreshment in our lives always, sometimes you have to go through a desert where the rivers are no longer evident, springs of water become dry. Second thing is Bear uses the river or spring for navigation back to society. Whether the river is a raging torrent of water or a dusty dried road where water once was he remains on the path of where there once water.
You have to look for the water. There's a show that I watch from time to time called "Man vs. Wild" In the show an ex millitary guy ("Bear Grylls") is placed in a deserted land of harsh elements where he is trying to find his way back to society. Watching the show I've noticed, Bear always looks for water. You can survive longer without food than you can without water. Water is necessary to survive but you have to know how to find it. Spiritually there are times when we go through life and it feels dry, it feels like a desert. Times of dryness are inevetible these are the times I believe God wants me alone with Him. God is teaching me something, God is revealing something about Himself. Here's what I realized recently. The difference between phsycial thirst and spiritual thirst is when your thirsty physically we look for a drink, but for spiritual thirst it's a different story. When it comes to spiritual thirst we wait it out, we don't always look for the water of God's spirit, His Word and His Presence. "I'll wait till sunday to drink" "I'll journal tomorrow" We allow our spirit's to dwell in a land that is dry and desolate. You can be spiritually thirsty and know what to do but not do it anyway. Ever been there?, I know I have. You get lazy, you keep putting things off, the things you know work, finally you get to a point where it feels like you can't go on anymore. Why wait? Why keep traveling with a thirsty spirit? The bible say's each day a measure of grace is given to us. Look for that grace daily, it's there, whether it comes to you in a raging flood or if it's just a small amount of dew on the pages of His word, it's there. Listen you've heard it before "Life is a marathon not a sprint". God is holding a cup of His presence, His word, His life quenching water for us daily. Look for the water, don't wait, you need it, and you need it daily.
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