My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, 3 because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience.4 Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. July 17-08
This scripture today reminds of Star Wars, in one movie Luke Skywalker is in training to become a Jedi with Master Yoda. Yoda knew that Luke had all the fundamentals of a Jedi, Luke knew how to use the Lightsaber, Luke new knew how to use "the force to an extent". In order for Luke's training to be completed there was something deeper than Luke's training that he would have to face, he would have to face his worst fear, he would have to find a deeper confidence, he would have to face his own weakness, Luke would be brought to a point of wanting to quit, to give up. Fortunately Luke did not quit and he became a Jedi, the person inside of him, who he really was. In our times of trials,troubles and pressure there is something deeper that is being built in us, something built to last, God is building in us all that we need to become His Jedi.
As I look back at my life in the last few months I realize I have gone and am going through some intense training. After all, I am chasing after a dream, a Vision, a Mission, a mandate on my life to be the best husband, to be the best father, to be the leader that God wants of me. What I have in my heart to do for the Lord will not be easy, so the training that I have gone through and will continue to face will not be easy. There's no doubt in my mind that the training has intensified, it's rapidly increased since coming to CWC Milpitas. It's in every trouble, every test of my faith, every time that I feel like I can't do it anymore, that in the background God is building everything in me that I need to complete the chapter that I am in. Notice I did not say training will be complete. You just complete chapters. Each chapter presents a new journey, obstacles, trials but in the background growth is taking place, a deeper strength, increased wisdom and a bigger vision then before. I truly believe that in my life, my family and my team that we have just completed a chapter. As we enter into a new chapter we are stronger, we are much wiser, we are growing together. The training you see in one chapter is tougher in the next, the flip side, the victories you saw in one chapter are even bigger in the next. Get ready for a new chapter, a new journey, some tough times, but greater victories...
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