See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Isaiah 42:9
It's incredible the awesome privelege that we have to be able to tap into the voice and heartbeat of God through prayer, journaling and worship. Reading this scripture made me realize how much greater the privelege is. God desires to includes us in his dream, in His plan and before "a new thing" springs into being God announces them to you.
Why would God announce his plan of a new thing to us? I feel God saying today "I'm giving you a chance every day to become part of the greatest story ever told, I'm giving you an opportunity become a part of History." Whether we realize it or not, we stand in the middle of the greatest story ever told. God Loves man, He Loves Him so much He sent His son to die for him. And the story conitnues today, right now in the middle of a busy work week, schedules and agendas, traffic and quick dinners, you are part of the story. You are part of "HIS story" God desires me to be involved in the story of His grace, His unconditional love, and His incredible plan. I've been studying Nehemiah for sometime now and one thing I see that Nehemiah realized is he understood how his life was a bridge from the old to the new. Nehemiah understood that His life stood in the middle of History in the making and that, if he held back, if he ran away, if he thought it was too big, if he did not play his part... so much more was at stake. God announces His new thing to you today. YOU are a History maker. In the middle of everything that goes on in your day there is History in the making and you are a part of it. Can you hear the new thing God is doing every single day? Have you heard God announce His plans? How will you play your part in the story? I heard a quote by Kris Valloton the other day "Your place in eternity is secure, it's your place in History that is in question" You have a chance to be a part of HIStory... live it out.
Lord thank you for speaking to me about the importance of life, my life. Thank you for including me in your story not to stand back and watch but to get involved. I want my life to be a bridge Lord for someone who has no hope to having hope. I want my life to be a bridge for someone with no dream to having a dream. I stand in the middle of something much bigger than I could ever see, let me hear you so that I can play my part. Amen.
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