Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his. Psalm 100:3
This morning as I walked outside there was an incredible sunrise coming over the hills of Fremont. Todays verse goes perfect with the sight I just witnessed because the same God who created the sun and all of creation is the same God who made me. "It is he who made me, and I am his"
So I come into work today and hop on the computer, I checked twitter and my boy Ulla had posted a message "live intentionally" it spoke to my heart. Live with the intention of living for the God who made you. What does God want you to say today? Who would God like you to encourage? What is it that I can do today that speaks of Christ and this incredible life that He has given to me and has given to others. Live with the intention of bringing Glory to God and transforming lives around you. Practically speaking "change your target", everything that I do is for God, everything. Who I am, what I do, How I speak, How I come across, How I act, What I leave behind is about God, when Christ is my target then I'll find intentional living.
This morning as I walked outside there was an incredible sunrise coming over the hills of Fremont. Todays verse goes perfect with the sight I just witnessed because the same God who created the sun and all of creation is the same God who made me. "It is he who made me, and I am his"
So I come into work today and hop on the computer, I checked twitter and my boy Ulla had posted a message "live intentionally" it spoke to my heart. Live with the intention of living for the God who made you. What does God want you to say today? Who would God like you to encourage? What is it that I can do today that speaks of Christ and this incredible life that He has given to me and has given to others. Live with the intention of bringing Glory to God and transforming lives around you. Practically speaking "change your target", everything that I do is for God, everything. Who I am, what I do, How I speak, How I come across, How I act, What I leave behind is about God, when Christ is my target then I'll find intentional living.
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