Remember those old milk commercials that used to say "Milk, it does a body good." Till this day there are still milk commercials though the slogan has changed the importance of milk has not and so the commercials continue "got milk". Today was a milk day for me not that I drank a lot of it but it was one of those days I call a "downtime day". I did as minimal as possible today as possible, yet I feel like I accomplished so much. I started my day with my little girl on my chest resting (incredible) My wife cooked breakfast for the whole family (incredible) Then I spent time with my boy wrestling, he always wins because I let him (incredible) Tara and the kids had a play date scheduled with Leia's Godparents and I had the rest of the afternoon to do whatever. I went outside enjoyed the weather, read a little, then listened to a sermon. Later I was watching a documentary on the military. Because today was a downtime day no agenda, no schedule, nothing planned I focused on just hearing from the Lord. It feel like I heard God all day long, I was hearing God speak to me as I read, speak to me as I listened, speak to me as I watched. "Downtime, it does a body good" I noticed a couple of things when I have day's like this, here's what I noticed:
What downtime does for me:
1. Allows me to spend not just time but quality time with those I love
2. I'm better after some downtime, I'm a better husband, father, and leader.
3. My nets get mended, I see loopholes that I've missed, I see where I'm lacking and all of those areas of my life begin to get fixed.
Example: Remember the relay race to fill a pail with water, only thing is that the cup the runners are using has a hole. When I don't have downtime I miss those holes in my life, meanwhile I'm running the race of life trying to figure out what's going on and why I'm not seeing results.
4. I get the details for Vision. "It's not enough to know where your going, you need to know how to get there" Once I get details for one thing I begin to see how it all fits into an even bigger thing. Vision get's defined
5. The most important thing: The voice of God, the Word of God, His presence all of it, I become more aware of. I need to know that God is with me on this journey called life, I need to know that He's with me every single step of the way. I need to hear Him, after all He is the best tour guide in life.
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