The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.5 The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back.
I love this scripture because it sums up totally what I feel and have been feeling lately. The scripture say's the Lord wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ears to listen. It seems like very week I just stand in awe of what's going on in my life. God has awakened me, awakened me to His presence. I hear God the word clearly. I feel God throughout the week. I honestly have not felt the "just get me through the week" attitude in over 6 weeks. God has awaken my life, and I know more than ever that I (we) are on the right path.
I can't believe what took place today in church. Every week it builds more and more. I don't feel tired. I have incredible fresh thinking, creativity, vision, reflection time is incredible as well. It just seems like all my spiritual senses have woken up. I have resolved myself to let God run the show from now on and boy has He. Even being the least prepared, incredibly drained, missing our lead musician, even with things going on at home, God took over the service today. In basketball there is a saying when a player is on fire, he can't miss, "he's found his sweet spot" We have totally found a "sweet spot" in ministry, but it's because we found a sweet spot in relationship with God in relationship with each other. I announced to the church today that I have no doubt that we are on the right path, no doubt at all. "We have found heart". The challenge is to continue to remain in that place of sweetness with God, sweetness with the family and sweetness with relationships. Is that not what the bible say's "Taste and see that the Lord is Good" I've been awakened, we're on the right path. Boy life is sweet..
Lord thank you for today. Thank you for giving me the most amazing family. Thank you for giving me the most incredible wife who loves you with all of her heart and loves to dream right with me. Thank You for Santz who so richly has your hand upon Him in favor and grace. Thank You for Amanda who aims to please You no matter what and is no longer afraid to take a risk. Thank you for Troy who is my breaker, when He show's up in worship things happen in the heavenlies. Thank you for Mom and Dad who are getting ready to blow it up, to see what they have never seen and have done what they have never done. I've awaken Lord, I tasted and see that You are good. Take us deeper God. In Jesus Name, amen.
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