He stretched and pushed himself beyond what he's ever done before in his short eight year life. Through rocky steep terrain, strong chilly wind, and the occasional slip; Isaiah pushed his body 8 miles to an elevation of 2200 feet and reached the summit of Mission Peak in Fremont Ca.
The most memorable moment for me as a Father is when my son became completely convinced the mountain he was climbing was his.
I was reminded of a quote from Mark Batterson's book Primal. "Few things are more thrilling than doing what you didn't think could be done." Hearing my son say "we are not quitting" gave me a glimpse of what God probably feels when He sees us totally convinced of our biggest purpose and most incredible dreams. I was absolutely thrilled seeing my son trust me and believe my words of encouragement every single step of the way to the top.
Can you hear God encouraging you to the top of your biggest dreams? Are you convinced the mountains in your life are yours? "Breaking a sweat for a God-given vision is the key to fulfillment and fruitfulness." Walk, dream, and live completely, wholeheartedly, and undeniably convinced!
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