I paid a visit to the church I grew up in today, spent about 5 minutes inside the building but left with the most powerful thought. While talking to the receptionist, I noticed how many plants she had in the office. Mary began sharing that one plant was about 7yrs old and another about 10. Both plants were thriving, green and growing. I honestly didn't not know plants lasted that long.
Here's the powerful part of the story. Two of the plants we were talking about were gifts from the former Pastor Dr. Richard K. Tanon. You see, Pastor Tanon went on to be with the Lord as of Feb 7th, 2008, yet in that office that I walked into today, there still remained something growing that he had left behind. I was left with this thought, "Are you living to leave something behind or will your life simply be forgotten?"
I'm not talking about success, I'm talking about significance. Are you living with a sense of destiny about your life? Plants are not the only thing Dr. Tanon has left behind. Templo De La Cruz, is a thriving church 90+ years young now being led by another great man Pastor John Masis. There are many sons and daughters, marriages that are still thriving, ministries that continue till this day because of Dr. Tanon. Pastor Tanon baptized me when I was a kid. My first ministry opportunity came at Templo. I was taught how to preach by Pastor Tanon. I felt a sense of awe and privilege as I left the parking lot earlier.
This Sunday I return to my former church with humbleness and gratitude. I'm returning back to my roots, where it all began, where the dream first burned in my heart. I'm still thriving, still moving forward, and today I'm on the verge of my biggest faith move yet. Thank You God for putting a man in my life like Pastor Tanon, who lives beyond the grave and has paved the way for someone like me. Can't wait to preach on Sunday!
I am significant because Pastor Tanon did what he did best, shared and taught and nurtured us with the word of God, he baptized me as well, I think the same time Anthony was baptized. I am who I am because someone was obedient to the most High.
Anthony... you were born for such a time as this.
All I can say is...Praise God!
Yes, Pastor Tanon had a green thumb and made a very lasting "Impression" on my heart as well. It is because of his love, sacrifice & dedication to the Lord...I walk in Freedom today...Carrying the Torch (Cross) to minister to hurting women. I too have a plant that was given to me by Pastor Tanon in my front yard (Jade Plant) and it has made it through another winter...I pass it every morning and recently noticed that I can see new growth. It reminds me of the Word of God that was preached to me...Thriving, Green & Growing. I will be at Templo (My Home Church)this coming Sunday...To see my Family!!!
I remember Pastor Tanon while living in the Bay Area and I really loved to hear this man of God preach on the radio. What a vision he had! It was always encouraging to hear him and in a way I feel a kindred spirit with him. I'm sure he is in heaven right now cheering us on!
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