Imagine getting ready to jump off a diving board into a swimming pool. You stand at the edge, heart is pumping, your feet and legs are getting ready to work together to build the momentum to spring off the board but then you don't. Imagine just standing on the diving board looking at the water, then 5 seconds turns into 15, 20 turns to 30 and the inspiration that you once had to even climb on the diving board in the first place begins to slowly die. Still standing there or backing down the ladder, either way you haven't lived the full experience yet. This is the perfect example of inspiration without revelation, you haven't experienced everything yet.
Can I challenge you to pursue the depth of what God has been stirring in your heart. Don't take the small impromptu highlights about yourself, God and life for granted. Sometimes it's a single words that seemed to grab your attention when reading the bible, other times those ideas and thoughts that seemingly came from nowhere. Sometimes the inspiration starts through a sermon, a book, a conversation or a song. The life lesson that I'm trying to share with you through the diving board illustration is, inspiration doesn't have longevity. Inspiration will jump start your life but only revelation will keep you going through life. If inspiration is the wow, then revelation is the why. Inspiration will excite you but revelation engulfs you just like the water that surrounds you in a pool. Ask God for understanding, ask God for revelation about what He is stirring your heart about. You haven't seen anything yet until you take the dive.
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