Occasionally when I arrive home and slip off my shoes a pair of little feet will slip right in after. My kids walk around the house slipping and sliding, the real fun begins when they try running in shoes way too big for their little feet.
God's purpose in our lives will usually feel the same way, two sizes too big for you. God size dreams, God size purpose, a God size calling will always make you feel two sizes too small. To grasp even the smallest bit of understanding of what God wants to do through you it's enough to rattle your knees.
So how do you gadge progress? How do you know if your making any headway at all when you feel two sizes two small? Here's what I would tell you.
When you begin to embrace what was previously impossible, you've grown two sizes bigger. If your taking steps today that previously you feared to take at all, you've grown two sizes bigger. If your dreaming bigger today then you did yesterday, you've grown two sizes bigger.
Two sizes too big for you is never too big for God. Today is important, get growing!
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