1) God is Faithful- At one point we didn't know if we would even be able to have you, but God blessed us. The day I found out that I was going to be your dad I knew in my heart I would have a boy. I pictured us doing everything together, still do. I know I haven't always been faithful, gotten busy at times, even messed up saying the wrong things but I'm praying and I'm trying and I will never give up trying to be the best Dad you need me to be. When you were born son, I saw the faithfulness of God at work in your life and mine. I saw that God will never leave us no matter what. You know the way Dad sometimes throws you in the air and you know every single time I'll catch you? Yes, God is the very same way, He will always catch you in life, no matter what!
2) God is our Healer- I would not of changed being separated from you for the first nights of your life, I would not change 5 days of you being in the ICU, would not of changed a collapsed lung because in the end God showed Himself true to His word as our healer. "You'll never know God is your healer till you've been in a place that you needed God to heal" You know how you bring your toys to me son and you ask me to fix them when you've played with them a little too rough. Well life can be rough at times and sometimes you'll need some fix'in. God is your healer, He's done it once in the most incredible way and He will do it again and again and again if needed.
3) God is Love- I walked into a love the day you were born unlike I had ever experienced before in my life. It was then that I was introduced to the Love of God at an entirely new level. I quickly realized that as much as I love you Isaiah, that God loves us even more, God loves us even enough to send his son to die for us. God is the perfect example of a Father because of his incredible love. It's God's love that I'm striving for as I raise you my son. You see Zai, God's love covers faults like I cover you when you go to sleep, God's love encourages us to just like I believe you can do anything in the world, God's love also corrects us to make sure that we stay on the right path. I want you to know that everyday I'm asking God to help me to show you love just like He shows us in the bible. I love you son, you don't have to do anything for it, you can't do anything to stop it, I just love you, your stuck no matter what.
Isaiah you see how special you are? God taught us a lot the day you were born and probably showing others who read this today. You are my son of promise, my son that has brought healing into my own life, helped open my eyes at times, you are the son I've always wanted and more. Thank you for being you "no one is more you'er than you.- Happy Birthday to You.
You are a great father and have raised the most amazing, smartest, funniest little boy.
Isaiah, when you read this, i just want to let you know that you have changed peoples lives in just 8 years, Thank you Zai and Happy B-day, your brother...Santz!!
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