I was watching channel 5 news last night and they did a short on "Why we vote on Tuesdays" "Back in the day" a Tuesday voting day, would allow people to travel from far away places to vote, but the main reason was because voting on Tuesday would not allow the most important day of the week to get interrupted, Sunday. Sunday was a day for going to church and nothing else would replace it. Our country was founded on the word of God, it was founded on values from the Word. In fact at one time our judicial system required Judges to attend Bible based classes. Our value was the word but that has changed throughout the years in this great nation.
America has valued tolerance vs. the standards of the Word and as a result teen pregnancies, drug addiction, rape, violent crimes, suicides, etc. have all increased.
We have valued gain and wealth vs. giving and serving and as a result we see more and more homeless every year while America is stricken with a credit crisis.
Why are values important? Our values today will determine our future tomorrow. Jesus said in Matthew 6 "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." I want my values to match what God values. I want my heart to be where God's heart is. Voting on Tuesday is a reminder for me of what this country was founded on, it's a reminder of what we need to get back to and that's God and His word. I will uphold the word of God today with my vote.
That is so true! man God challenged me with something, I posted on twitter it goes along with what you posted but it's "what concerns you more, materialistic value or moral value?" I guess this election is more of a moral issue rather than a material issue.
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