News spreads fast now a days. It doesn't take long for a chain e-mail to circulate, or a news article or what was watched late at night in the news. The scripture say's that news spread about Jesus not just in His home but "as far" as Syria and people from all over begin to bring all who were sick to Jesus. Before the internet, before newspapers, and TV, Jesus was the highlight of the world then and guess what He is still the most important news today.
And the bible say's... He healed them all... Powerful words. Jesus didn't miss a beat, he wasn't too busy, he wasn't to preoccupied with an agenda, Jesus Healed them all. We live in a world today that is dying, people are sick from a hurt, sick in their hearts, sick in their minds, sick emotionally, mentally, physically but most of all they are sick spiritually. Jesus wants to heal today as much as he did in the scripture above. Where does healing begin? By spreading the news, spread the news that there is a hope, spread the news that there is peace, spread the news that Jesus is here today to heal the land, the people, the hearts, the homes of every single person who calls out. Spread the news today in a simple email, spread the news with an act of generosity, spread the news with an act of God's love. He's here, he walks with us, He walks in us, He wants to work through you today, would you spread the news of Jesus today...Now...don't wait, every single act, every single moment is precious, it's vital even more vital then we think. Spread the news of Jesus!
Lord, help me to risk today what I was afraid to risk yesterday, help me to step out and reach who I haven't reached, help me to slow down and to see all you desire to touch today. -amen
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