The Wheel of fortune is being aired from Hawaii this week and I have had the opportunity to catch it twice by accident. As the camera panned out from the crowd and showed all these people I could feel the beginnings of a smile across my face, and my mind begin to wander and dream, my heart begin to stir and beat with intensity. I realized at that very moment my Vision was being fueled. I have a vision not for an island, but for a people, for a city, for a region, for the world. My vision is ridiculously huge, it's so big that I can't accomplish on my own, it's so big that it often buckles my knees, it makes me want to hide. The Vision that God has given me can only be accomplished with his help. Let me ask you, what fuels your vision. It seems silly that a game show would fuel my Vision but it did, why because for a moment, for just seconds , I could see plainly, I could see with the eyes of God, I could see what will be. As big as the Vision of God is in our lives, we need to be able to have these moments of plain sight because Vision is mysterious, it's not sticky, it takes a beating at times but it's there, it's always there. Think of a car, the bigger it is the more fuel it consumes. Vision doesn't just show up, it takes time, it has to grow and you do as well so you need fuel for the journey. Fuel that motivates, fuel that encourages, fuel that sparks creativity and the heart of God. What fuels your vision? What brings that smile to your face when you think about the real you? What stirs your heart, what takes your mind and breath away? Do you have fuel today? When is the last time you filled up? When is the last time you saw in HD God's dream for your life?
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