"...I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts that we would live or die with you. 4I have great confidence in you; I take great pride in you.
I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds." 2 Corinthians 7:3-4
Paul was an incredible encourager, in fact look at his words "fight the good fight" , "finish the race", "take heart". Looking at this verse, I find that people who encourage others will find themselves surrounded by encouragers. The word encourage in the greek means to admonish, to hold one to his duty, to disciple. To put encouragement in a picture it's those people standing on the sidelines holding the cup of water during a marathon.
Even Paul who gave tremendous encouragement, needed encouragement, because life is a marathon not a sprint. Looking at this chapter the DNA of encouragement can be found. 1) An open heart: a heart that respects, a heart that is willing, a heart that see's potential in others, transparecy, humble. 2) Building words; Paul said I take great pride, I have great confidence in you, I would live or die with you 3) Ability to confront; authentic confrontation holds another to their duty, what they are capable of, it produces a champion, it's getting others to win before yourself. Do you have an encourager in your life, someone you have heart to heart talks with, someone who you build with your word and they build you, someone who allows you to confront them and will confront you when needed. Encouragers will find themselves surrounded by encouragers.
Lord please continue to birth encouragement in and around my life. Lord I pray that you would continue to build a culture of encouragement in my home, in our team and in our church. Great vision requires great strength, strength that can only come from You and through the people you have placed in my life. -amen
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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