Innovation is a word that I have heard a lot lately. I heard "innovation" when I went to Disneyland some weeks ago. I'm hearing innovation a lot in the Christian arena in regards to ministry. Ever hear someone say "I've never seen it that way", that's innovation. How about "that was ahead of it's time" you got it innovation. Innovation catapults, it makes things better, it propels, it sends the average into extreme. Perfect example the Bike. The bike has been around for hundreds of years but innovators have taken what has been around for many years and turned it into a world of humongous dirt ramps, twists and turns 40 feet in the air known as BMX. The challenge that I've had lately is to not do Ministry the same but to innovate, to dream the message into a dynamic and powerful presentation of God's love and hope. We changed around one little thing last week and the atmosphere changed completely at church. What small thing can you change that could make things better. I loved this quote that I read "Great innovations not only come out of difficulty, but they're often created because of it." Feeling like things need to change it's time to innovate. Feeling like things could be better it's time to innovate. You've heard this saying "The message is the same it's the methods that change", perfect example of innovation.
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