I walked past his homework hanging on the refrigerator this morning. I wished I snapped a picture with my Blackberry, maybe I'll get it later and post on this same entry. The words good job were written at the top of the page by his teacher. Underneath I could not understand a single word, why; because everything was written in Mandarin. When I look at the dreams and the accomplishments of my seven year old, it does something inside me that amazes me. I really believe what God has inspired in my son has already begun to take fruit. My son believes one day he will go to China to tell people about Jesus and he tells me we're going to open a CWC (Christian Worship Center) one day.
Then last week we got on the topic of Brazil for some reason and the question came up. "Dad do we have a CWC in Brazil", I replied "no son we do not." The response I got and what followed is still blowing me away days later. "Well dad we gotta go to Brazil and open a CWC over there too" I replied "replied what about China?" "We're still going to China, then after it will be Brazil" my son replied.
Again, these are the words of a seven year old and to him traveling around the world, preaching Jesus, and opening churches is normal thing, it's just the way that life is and what we are suppose to do. When I look at the destinations in my son's heart compared to the destinations in my own, his look much riskier, and crazier but he belives and say's it like it's completely accomplishable and something that will happen in the future.
I thank God that my wife and I have been able to encourage my son to believe God in the impossible and he believes it. I also thank God for allowing us to install compassion in my son for those that do not know Jesus. But today, I must say son, you inspire me, you inspired me to continue to believe as you do with a childlike faith and trusting God will provide a way no matter what. Thank you Lord for my son Isaiah and my daughter Leia, the lessons, encouragement, and strength that you have taught me through their little lives is priceless.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago