If you work in front of a computer like I do chances are you've experienced "blurry-vision-by-2PM-itis." Whitepapers, Web pages, Web meetings, e-mail all of that text reading is pretty tough on the eyes. Everything just starts to fade away, speaking of fading away...
I have a Satellite that we receive our TV signal from at home. For months I noticed the signal degraded and we even lost some channels but I let it go anyway just thinking it was a technical problem that would go away. Later a strong windstorm came through and we lost signal all together. Life is the same way, especially when it comes to living with vision from God. There are so many factors that can affect us seeing what God see's. Our spiritual eyes get tired, our hearts become perplexed and God's plan can easily start to fade, let it go long enough and you could lose signal entirely. I am a HUGE fan of High Definition TV, (can't wait for the Superbowl) so much that the first time I saw HDTV in a store my mouth was open and I could not move. To think about going back to watching TV on a black and white 13" is out of the question. So why would we do this when it comes to life. Why live life with a fuzzy signal when you can have High Defintion Living with God?
Living Life in HD is living with the eyes of God, with His perspective and with His heartbeat in our lives, and if you read Proverbs 29:18 it's a matter of life and death. Without vision for my marriage, it dies, without vision for my home, my family dies, without vision for my career or job, it dies, without vision for ministry or church, it dies. My life and your life is dependant of God's vision, it truly is a matter of life or death. When the signal get's weak and it becomes harder to focus and see, don't ignore it, align your life back with the plan of the Father so you can live life in HD.
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