We cannot until all the flocks are gathered together; then [the shepherds] roll the stone from the well's mouth and we water the sheep. Genesis 29:3
In the story of Jacob, he came to a very common and known well to to give water to sheep. The well had a huge opening which required a stone to be moved, so that the water would come out. In order for this huge opening to be uncovered the shepherds combined their efforts so that the flocks of sheep were watered.
This reminded me of the church because it's filled week in and week out with sheep who come to drink of living giving water. The efforts of one person alone are not enough to be able to take care of the sheep. A combined team effort is required to provide enough water for everyone who comes thirsty, longing for hope, and in need of encouragement and transformation. Not all are called to be the shepherd of a church but that does not mean that there cannot be a shepherding culture in the church. This is my desire where I am at right now to see Christian Worship Center of Milpitas become shepherding people, where all who come into our church are taken care, our city is taken care of, our neighborhood is tended to and watered with the love, grace and mercy of Christ. It's funny because my wife and I just had a similar conversation about this over lunch a little under an hour ago, now the Lord is following up on me. What should I do?
1) Being busy doesn't mean being fruitful most of the times it just means busy
2) Ball hog ministry won't cut it this year, I'm going to major in assists this year and allow others to make shots more then myself (provide direction, encouragement and vision, but allow others to lead)
3) It's ok if things don't run perfect, failure is the best success sometimes
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