My boy Santz posted the following message on twitter last night "Rest is a weapon" it hit me so hard it was on my mind early this morning it also happens to be a topic that I've been wanting to blog about. So here's the question: How do you find rest? What about when sleep is not the answer. Ever have a night when 8 hours is still not enough maybe because there is a deeper rest needed; a rest of the soul, the mind, and the heart. I had this revelation a few years ago with energy drinks, why are they so popular and why are people so tired? Could it be the energy, the alive feeling we are looking for in an energy drink is actually due to our minds and hearts not at rest, which is having an effect on our physical body. So how do you find rest? What are you doing? or What aren't you doing? Where are you? What brings rest to your mind, heart and soul? The first area that I have always found rest is in the Lord; journaling, prayer, worship. Finding rest in the Lord is intentional at times, at times I've experienced incredible peace suddenly and other times I've had to seek it out. God has never let me down anytime I've sought Him out as a refuge. Check this scripture out:
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philipians 4:6-7
I will post two more topics on finding rest possibly throughout the day. Believe it or not blogging actually brings me rest.
Great Blog, can't wait for the next one. well right now I can tell you this that i'm finding rest, and no it's not on my bed but here at Sbux. just spent 2 hours with the Lord and I feel awake. I think there is only true rest in Him.
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