About 5-6 months ago, my boy Troy spoke at a youth service. I was in the crowd that night and although it was Troy's first time speaking, little did I know how his message would serve as an awakening in my life. The message was on "Reflection" Reflection is when you contemplate, when you think. It takes time to think, it takes initiative, it takes a freeing of everything else that may be going on or what needs to take place. I learned that day that my reflection time is a vital piece of my life and it's part of how I truly find rest in the Lord. When I purposely take time to reflect on my life I become better as a husband, as a parent, as a follower of Christ. Reflection time creates milestone moments, just like on a jogging path when you hit the 1 mile marker my reflection time reminds me of how far God has brought me and simultaneously reminds me how far I still have to go. The most important piece of reflection is who I see when I look at my life. Do I see the reflection of Jesus or do I see Anthony's reflection. Rest is a weapon it truly does help you become better when you purposely set time to reflect.
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