Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men."
11So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. Luke 5:10-11
The day that Jesus stepped into Simon Peters boat was a day of astonishment, so much so that his life was never the same again. I love Jesus' response to Simon after the miraculous catch of fish it's simply "Don't be afraid; from now on..." From now on... means that his life from this moment on would be different, it would be amazing, it would be something like Simon had never seen. If Simon was astonished with fish he had not seen anything yet.
I'm am looking forward to an astonishing year in Jesus. I want to meet with Jesus and have "From now on moments" where my life from that point on is radically changed. I truly believe the time is now, people are in place, the hearts are stirred, and the catch is ready. Astonishment has been brewing, faith has stretched and increased, hunger is at an all time high and God is getting ready to astonish the lives of people who will allow Him to get into their boats. Two things that I find today that are speaking to me today.
The challenge to go deeper: Jesus challenged Simon to launch out into deeper water. When I think about deeper water, I think about an area that is not safe. Deeper water means there is greater risk being taken. Deeper water means I'm no longer in control, I'm know at the mercy of the one who has the ability to calm the water. Jesus knew that the fishermen had tried fishing all night, he knew that they were unsuccessful, he knew that there was probably frustration, so the challenge for me in going deeper is to take a risk where I have not yet. The challenge is to stop doing things my way and to trust in Jesus more. The challenge is to fully listen to the Lord even when I don't understand. Listening and moving by God's word makes room for one astonishing catch.
The challenge to leave everything and follow Jesus: These men left their jobs yes, but they left more then that, they left their comfort zones, they left what they were accustomed to daily, they left routine, they left what they knew and who they were to follow Jesus. I believe daily there are decisions, feelings, will, and thinking that I must leave behind in order to follow what Jesus is calling of my life.
Do you want to be astonished this year by the work of God in your life and through your life, go deeper, leave everything and simply follow Jesus.