A phrase stuck out reading Psalm 78 today. "So each generation should set its hope anew on God" Psalm 78:7
It's so easy for one generation to blame the previous..."this didn't happen, this should of happened, this is why we are where we are today?...can you hear the complaints? Have you felt that way? As I read Psalm 78:7 though I felt such incredible grace for today. Each generation has an opportunity to set it's hope anew. Each generation will have a chance to discover, create, and live for God anew; despite what may have taken place in the past or where we stand today. Each generation will have it's opportunity to make it's mark for God. Is there anything more powerful than hope? Hope let's us know that our best days are ahead of us, that opportunities still remain, untapped potential still exist. History making dreams are still out there, history making songs, history making purpose, history making people walk the earth today.
Set your hope anew in the Lord today, there's a grace upon you to live, encounter and see something new today. What hope will you live, what hope will I give, what hope will I leave behind. The next generation is depending on what you set your hope on. Set your hope anew on God...
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