My 7 year old son has been studying Kajukembo martial arts for about a year now. I remember the first day that he attended class and the first lesson he was taught. The instructor displayed a black belt and said this is where you want to be one day, but you don't act like a black belt the day you receive one, you start acting like it now with hard work, disipline and respect.
I'm sharing this story to share this, "Champions are contenders long before they receive their trophys." That word contend means to engage in competition, and to take a position to win. You have to contend for your purity, contend for your marriage, contend for your family, contend for your spiritual life like a champion contends for a trophy. Your the X factor, the game breaker, and the playmaker of your family, your marriage, and your children. Nobody...and I mean noobody can play your game like you can. You won't always feel like a champion but that doesn't mean that you can't compete like one.
Contenders vs. Pretenders
1) Contenders know when they don't know and aren't afraid to seek out God's Wisdom
Pretenders will do exactly that, keep pretending until they can't pretend anymore.
2) Contenders show up daily in what will make them the strongest (prayer, journaling,
accountable relationships, family time etc.)
Pretenders have little to any progress in the arena of life because of their lack of discipline in
the important areas of life.
3) Contentenders are competing for something much bigger then themselves (call of God,
family, marriage, home and their legacy)
Pretenders fail to realize whats at stake if they miss the biggest game of all- L-i-f-e
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