“This command I am giving you today is not too difficult for you to understand, and it is not beyond your reach." Deutornomy 11:30
The transition is about to take place in the lives of the children of Israel. One leader will sit and the other will take over. As Joshua prepares for this new challenge, and opportunity, the Lord reminds Israel of His call upon their lives, He reminds them of obedience, He reminds them of what's at stake. Leadership transitions are tough especially mid journey. Can you imagine the fear in the people, can you imagine the fear in Joshua's life? New leadership, new territory, new enemy, new odds and they did not look good from man's perspective.
The reason why this verse spoke to me was because of the portion of the verse "it is not beyond your reach". I read something on a blog that I go to often and there was a quote that spoke to my life. The writer wrote about the safe, secure, and assured areas that we often find ourselves in when it comes to living and doing something for God, the challenge was to try something "pee in your pants courageous" Have you ever tried pee in your pants courageous: worship, evangelism, creativity, speaking or just plain living by faith" Bottom line "pee in your pants courage" is living with an undeniable faith in the God of the impossible. What if Abraham Lincoln stopped after failing so many times? What if Martin Luther King backed out because of death threats? What if Walt Disney's troubled family life would of stopped him from dreaming? What if Joshua said, I can't, I can't do it, it's too hard, it's too much?
History is marked by the lives of people who understood that something great was always within their reach. If secular society will not quit, how much more cant I with God with me. It's not beyond your reach, your greatest dream, your greatest you, your greatest song, your greatest book, your greatest potential it's all within your reach. God promised Joshua that He would personally be ahead of him in his journey and it's the same in my life and the same in yours; with that kind of promise why not live Pee In Your Pants Courageous. The genuine greatness that lives in your heart today was put their on purpose, it was put their by God, it's not beyond your reach...
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