I've been incredibly busy since the last time I posted. I was also delaying because I was a little hesitant on what I'm about to say because it's not so easy to say it. Are you ready? Here it goes..."The quickest way to defeat men is to be unteachable" Be honest how many times have you tried putting something together without instructions. I've tried countless times, and I usually have to track back because I can't move forward anymore. Life will always have a chalkboard in front of it. With each new season, each chapter, each lesson it requires a new approach, new mindset, different heart, a teachable spirit. Life cannot be put on cruise control, your marriage, your job, your parenting etc. When the seasons change in life and they will, it will always require a new game plan. Just like in sports what worked the last game, may not work in the next and so it is with life. Look men, it's a different time, a new season, chances are your feeling more pressure at work, may be worried about the future, concerned about money, I won't even say what kind of pressure this puts on your home and marriage. Every time I've turned the corner in life, in marriage, spiritually I've realized that I need a new game plan. If your in a jam today, pressured, tired physically or spiritually, feel like giving up, feel like you can't handle it. "If you keep doing the same thing, your going to get the same results" I'm looking forward in getting better today... better in my relationship with God, in my marriage, as a father, as a leader, and as a man, but truthfully I won't if I stick to what I know or what I think I know. I need God, I need accountable relationships, counsel that is wise, people of character and integrity and most of all I need my wife. I have to be willing to learn from all of the areas every single day if not, I'm in trouble.
Victory is reachable when you remain teachable & you:
1) Humble yourself daily to God and His wisdom for you as a man, husband and father; find out the game plan by prayer and bible reading.
2) Women was made as a help mate for man. When my wife whispers truth it's the most powerful voice in my life next to God's. I truly believe God speaks to my me through my wife, after God she knows me second best.
3) Small lessons come in small packages "like your kids" Even my son has taught me things about myself.
4) Pride will kill you, it will kill everything about you. Pride kills relationships, marriages, families, pride will kill you man. Stay teachable, stay humble.
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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