After speaking to a Pastor friend this weekend I had a thought about the proper utilization of time. I honestly believe that God honors us when we value and use the time that He has given live on earth. “We will never have enough time to do the things we are not supposed to do, but we will always have enough time to do the things that we are; the things that God has called us to do” When I am doing what God wants me to, he will provide the resource, the strength, the man power, anything that is needed to get the job done. If it’s a God dream that you are living with, there’s no question that it’s a big dream, much to big to be done by yourself. I’m in this season of adjustment right now, looking for that “much fruit” part of my life that Jesus talked about in John 15:5. A question worth asking often "Am I being fruitful or just faithful?" More on this thought is coming soon…