I was watching ESPN this morning and watched a brief story about Peyton Manning the quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts. The story went through a list of players that had retired throughout the years and what they all had in common was upon each of their retirements from the game of football they had all received a hand written letter from Peyton Manning. Peyton congratulated them and honored each of these players for their influence on the game and influence on his own personal life. Each of the players had the same response " it was handwritten." In a day of text messaging, instant messaging and e-mails we have become so high tech but low touch when it comes to personal touch. I was amazed how these super high profile athletes would be moved to sensitivity with a simple personal touch. What can you put your personal touch on today? A letter, thank you call, an encouragement dinner, whatever it is just make sure it's from the heart, it will make all the difference.
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