I was challenged all last week about living "unrehearsed" for God, that is getting out of the norm, the common recipe of seeking Him and pursuing God in a new way, with new expectation and deeper understanding. My spirit was frustrated and hungry for something untapped in the presence of God, so I sought it out in my own life, then I challenged the team, then I challenged our church. Our ideas, rehearsed services, routine recipe flew out the window and I got a lesson in what church should look like.
1) Community of believers, not just a group of people coming to a building we call church.
We opened with everyone praying for one another, you could feel the relational walls falling instantly. Set the tone with community, i-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y.
2) Everyone is touched
There's enough of God to go around. God's recipe always feeds everyone. Our position as leaders is to find each ingredient and make sure it's living and active in our lives first, then when we meet on Sunday that recipe comes together and makes for a bountiful feast.
3) Even the ministers are ministered too
It's beautiful thing to lead and and be led at the same time in God's presence. Leaders know the way, show the way and, go the way (John Maxwell). Everything we do in ministry must reveal how it's touched our lives first. Make it personal.
Yesterday was awesome, but I don't want the same meal next week, because I know God has something totally new for next week. Can't wait to see what's next!
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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