Itunes and Amazon MP3 have aquired 2.5 Million additional customers in the last year. What does that mean? It means people no longer have to get in the car and drive to the mall to pickup their music. What else does it mean, it means that people no longer care about having the tangible CD or Movie we are completely comfortable with the digital format. This is the perfect example of our culture today. We live in a High Tech, Low Touch world. We are perfectly comfortable with digital relationships instead of the real thing. I no longer have to visit someone, and calling folks is quickly fading, now I can just e-mail or text. Don't get me wrong, I'm a techie, I love gadgets "and I still love technology" (for you Napoleon Dynamite fans). The amount of power at our fingertips today is astonishing, and just like the quote from Spiderman "with great power comes responsibilty" As a Christian and as a techie, I have a responsbility to make sure that I don't lose touch. My job and my world is constantly connected, and if I don't watch it I can easily become disconnected with those I love. I have a saying that I try to live by always online but not always connected. I love the way Mark 8:36 in the Message Version put's it What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for? So what I'm saying is that the next time your talking to someone, having lunch with someone, playing with your kids, BE ALL THERE. Being all there for me means I go through dinner, without checking my e-mail. Being all there means remaining in touch with those I love. Don't lose touch!
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