Listen, I received a command to bless; God has blessed, and I cannot reverse it! Numbers 23:20 Balak the Moabite king was threatened by Israel so he sought out an oracle of the Lord to curse Israel but Balam the oracle of the Lord could not because Israel was blessed. When dealing with the King, Balam holds onto the word of God, remains obedient and is literally unmovable in his position. The scripture above pretty much says "look they are blessed because of God and I cannot do anything about it" The king comes back even again and says "ok so maybe you can't curse them, but stop blessing them" Did it really matter, Israel was set apart, God does not change His mind, God does not lie, no misfortune was to come upon His people, they were just blessed.
In this story we have two people one who is able to recognize the blessing of God and one who does not. I think at times I've struggled with seeing God's blessing on my life and no matter how many times, I hear it, read about it, or even see it, when your in the thick of tough times it's like a wrestling to believe that you are blessed. I heard a quote the other day and it rocked me. The quote was said in a middle of a conference to all the attendees. "God doesn't want to use you" The only time God used people in the bible was his enemies. "God wants to bless you" In fact that is what God did with Abraham, he blessed him so that he would be a blessing. I believe the same promise, the same blessing is upon his church today and even though it's a wrestling match at times, it doesn't change the fact that God has blessed and nothing can reverse it. Walk in the blessing of God today, you may not have what you want, may even be fighting tooth and nail just to keep moving. Blessing has nothing to do with what your facing, it has to do with who you belong to in Christ. Receive His Blessing!