Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. Habbakuk 3:17-18
Habbabkuks frustration and desire to see God move are cleary evident in ch. 1 he starts his plea with God "How Long oh Lord". Habbabuk pretty much get's to the point where he ask God, "Do you hear me" What amazing is how the book of Habbakuk ends. If I were to paraphrase v.17-18 of Chapter three it would be something like this. "Even though I don't see it God, I'm going to rejoice in you and have joy anyway."
The reason why this verse spoke to me is I have been looking up a lot on church planting recently. It just seems like every time I look things up I start to feel overwhelmed. Sometimes I just want to close my web browser and forget everything because sometimes you don't always see it. I'm a visionarie, a dreamer, I want to do and see big things for God, but sometimes it's hard to see it actually unfolding. I have this incredible heart to influence peoples lives but sitting behind a computer 8+ hours a day it's hard to see it. I've learned something recently about results and fruit in our lives. Results are better, when left up to God. All I have to do is follow not drive, leave the results up to Him. I need the attitude of "even though I don't see it, my joy will not be affected" It's evident that Habbakuk was carrying a huge burden a huge weight upon his shoulders at first but between ch1 and ch3 his attitude and that weight shifted. Problem turns into opportunity, stress turns into success, frustrations turned into fullfillment when we just follow Jesus. "As much as I am driven, as big as my Vision is, and as much as I want to accomplish for God because I only have 1 chance to do it, I have to sit by the master daily to allow Him to put me back on track, put heart first, and allow Him to work in my life. I'm seeing so much more progress when I have the Joy of the Lord. I've noticed when I have joy I am more creative, I think clearer, my decisions are wiser, and in the end I'm fullfilled. Take the "results and performance driven weights" off of your shoulders give it to God "even though you don't see it" doesn't mean it's not going to happen, just follow God, keep an attitude of joy and God will rock your world and show you the most amazing dream possible. "What you have seen up until this point is just a small portion of what's really in the works"
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