Back from Vacation... First day back at work so I just wanted to drop a quick thought down. We went to Legoland last week and I was able spend some much needed time with the family. I'll try to get some video up of my son while on a roller coaster and also some footage of Isaiah doing a wall climb. Our first roller coaster ride was called "Project X" it had the longest wait in the park and well worth it. While in this line for this coaster I noticed a particular father who had two sons with him. The father had a blackberry. I'm a gadget guy and techie so I noticed what model the guy had (because I'm in the market for one again). Anyway I begin to notice that this father in line wasn't the only person that had a blackberry. Ever notice something then all of the sudden realize they are everywhere after you start looking?; yeah it was one of those moments. So I'm watching people like a hawk now. The blackberry was everywhere, and sad to say it was paid more attention to then the kids of these fathers. I actually starting timing folks and noticed that everyone who had a blackberry could not go 10 minutes without brining it out. How sad that we can be so connected to meetings, and e-mails, calenders, and events constantly but disconnected from relationship. I had planned to share moments of our trip with everyone across twitter in fact I sent out a post that I would, but after that moment I decided to limit my post. I had a great time with my boy. My son is awesome and I value him more then an e-mail. I love technology and being connected but is it really that necessary and if the answer is yes at what expense, certainly not at the expense of our families. I have a motto that I try to live by "always online but not always connected" Just a thought that I wanted to share.
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