25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
John 21:25
I love John's account of Jesus and the miraculous and amazing things He did. John says, if everything was written down that Jesus did the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. This let's me know that everyday Jesus did something so amazing, something so incredible, that words could not explain it. Think about that word amazing for a moment, when I've seen something amazing usually it's so incredible that it's almost hard to believe. Amazing goes beyond reason, understanding, or comprehension it can't be completely explained, it's just amazing. Jesus amazed people by healing them, setting free, seeing their true worth, answering unspoken questions, releasing grace, revealing love, Jesus was nothing short of amazing...
We are living in a time of amazement, a time of the raw and concentrated power of God healing the land. Last night I asked a question in bible study, if you could explain in one word what God is doing in our church or in your life what would that one word be? One person said new, another incredible, and another free, but one word that stuck out was "amazing". Some have called the move of God a wave, some have identified it as a time of healing, some have called it a time of renewal, whatever you want to call it, it's just amazing. God is blowing my mind away, He's doing something new in my heart and I just feel this incredible desire to never be the same again. I believe the Lord is just as active as He was when He physically walked on this earth. The work of God's amazing love, amazing grace, amazing power continues through the lives of ordinary, and average people like you and me and I don't want to miss it. I don't want to get caught up with busyness and performance anymore but I want to live being amazed by God daily and amazing others with His touch through my life. It's an incredible time to live for Christ, do something amazing today, something that takes someone's breath away, something that get's someone asking the question why?; then reveal Jesus to them.
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