Im taking a night off of regular journaling tonight to journal about the Prophetic Evangelism conference that we had this past weekend. I had an awesome time and learned a whole lot, unlearned some things too.
Saturday afternoon I went out to eat with Pastor Kris Valloton and Sean smith and the Pastors from CWC. The topic of conversation at the table was amazing. I soaked up as much as possible from these men of God. I was amazed, humbled, and spiritually hungry all at the same time. To hear the insight and revelation spoken in such a short amount of time was almost to much too handle. I watched Pastor Dan intently as he asked questions. Pastor Dan totally took on the approach of the student. To watch my Pastor, my mentor, my accountability, my teacher become the student before my very eyes ministered volumes to me, I'll never forget it.
By Saturday afternoon for the dinner break, I hung out with Amanda and Santz, we had a great time. We kind of shared some frustrations from each other because we had yet to receive a word from the Lord. Later the Lord spoke to me in the mall about how I did not need a person to receive a word from Him and that the source is the same, but that's another story, back to this one. I had been dealing with some fear all weekend, and it seems like every time that we have people who minister in the prophetic I'm looking for a word to say not to go to Hawaii. Friday night there were two nuggets from the pulpit that really stuck to me, the first is how to know what your called to. Pastor Kris said "you will always feel fear by what you are called to" and that is so true. Fear is something that I battle with every single day to the point that it seems like it's easy to back out from the dream. Secondly Pastor Kris said that we have been created to live in the Glory of God and to bring Glory to God. We are created in God's image and that faith is spelled R.I.S.K, there is no failure in the kingdom of God when we bring Glory to His name. Even though these were powerful words that I know I needed, it came from the pulpit and I was looking for a direct word. Amanda, Santz and myself all kind of had the same frustration, we were looking for something deeper. Saturday night we had a time of impartation with the Bethel Student and Sean Smith. I was looking for a word all weekend either from Sean Smith or Kris Valloton but it went totally different. What I received reminded me of when Elijah was in the cave and he was looking for a word from God, the word was not in the wind, or the earthquake but in a still small quiet voice and this is what happened to me on Saturday evening. I was praying at the altar and a little Chinese woman, one of the students from Bethel approached me and she begin to pray. I remember the woman's voice was so tiny, the words so small, but powerful and exactly what I needed to hear. The woman said something like this, “you have fear and it needs to be broken”. “God is with you” "Do not fear failure". “You are father to your children but will also be a father to many, a father to children on the street”. She said, it's a "Joy to work with the Lord". The last part really shook me. It's a joy to work with the Lord. It just reaffirmed everything, it reminded me that God is with me, that I am partnering up with God. I received this same word from God about a 5 weeks ago when journaling about Gideon. God partnered with Gideon to do a mighty work. I not only work for the Lord but He works with me. Here’s a good example lately at work I’ve been frustrated because a lot has been put on my plate, things that I don’t understand, things that I’ve never done and I’m all by myself in terms of getting the job done. In other words I work for my job but nobody is working with me. God say’s not only do you work for me but I will work with you, side by side, I’ll show you how to do things, I’ll provide the strength, I’ll provide the understanding, it was amazing. I even met one of the students who is from Maui his name is John and his wife's name is Barbara, they want to hook up later on. It's a trip because John has the same vision that I have for all Islands. I can't quite understand the call of God, how He would want to use someone like me but I know this, He's given me a tremendous love and huge dream to touch the world.
I had an awesome time this weekend, thank you Lord for the privilege to serve you and know you. Continue your work in my life teach me all that you desire for me to become and anoint me for prophetic evangelism I pray in Jesus Name, amen
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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