Wow. I can't believe this year went by so quickly. Last night, it hit me hard. It would be my last day of school as a Master's Student. It would be my last Bible Study as a Master's Student. It would be my last prayer time as a Master's Student. I'm not one to cry a lot, but I'm not at all ashamed to say that there were many tears shed last night, mostly on my part!
As I reflect on this year, there have been many failures, but also many victories. Although I'm tempted to look only at the failures, I take in both the good and bad, and I choose to learn from it all.
A certain word kept coming up in my mind this week, and Pastor Nick said it last night in Bible Study: "cleave". Now, most of us know this word under the reference of "a man must leave his parents and cleave to his wife." (Eph. 5:31) Leave and cleave, right? But this verse obviously does not and cannot apply to me right now. So still, I wondered why that word kept coming up... so I looked it up. In both the original Greek and common English, it means to "join one's self closely, adhere to, STICK to, GLUE to. Become strongly involved with or emotionally attatched to." Duh! I have to CLEAVE to God right now. I'm in a time of change, of movement, even of instability. BUT if I cleave onto something that is steady and strong, I can't be rocked.
1 Corinthians 6:17 says that "he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."
Although I feel unsure and unsteady, if I glue myself onto the One who IS sure and steady, I can't go wrong. That is my mission right now. To learn to truly cleave and NOT leave. I'm so glad God placed this word in my heart and my head - He caused me to learn what His will is for me right now.
I want to encourage you - if you're unsure, if you're nervous, unstable, shaky, or scared, begin to cleave yourself to God. Not to other THINGS, or other people who will not help you focus, but will in fact distract you. I've recently found that things you need most from God can never be replaced any person. You must learn, along with me, how to grab onto God, connect with Him, and not let go for anything.
I love you all, and thank you for being there for me and with me this year. It was a battle, but having support and encouragement from my Fremont family has meant so much. Thanks again, and God Bless!
Remember to cleave onto Him!
- Amanda Mikk
Isaiah 59:19
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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