The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. Matthew 12:35
Jesus gives a lesson on the words of our mouth and He say's what's in our heart comes out of our mouth. One of the best mirrors of our character are the words we speak. There have been times when I've said something I regret later and in those moments a clear picture is revealed of who I really am. Have you ever thought to yourself "I said that?"
"That came out of my mouth?" Sometimes I've even missed what I said, and it's only been by what others have pointed out that I've realized the wrong words I've used. Talk about not thinking before I speak.
You are what you store, if you store up good things then good will proceed out of your mouth. The flip side is if you store evil things then evil things will come out. Store up good by praying, asking for wisdom in difficult situations, memorize and apply scripture. A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 Have you examined the words that you speak lately? What are you storing? What is it that needs to change? You words are not the problem that's just a by product of what's been stored? In other words it's not a mouth issue, it's a character issue, it's a heart issue focus on these areas.
Lord I know I mess up at times saying the wrong things, the wrong things at the wrong time, and saying things in the wrong tone, but today I focus not on my mouth but on my character, on my heart on what I'm storing in my life. I want goodness to proceed out of what I say, deal with my heart and my character Lord. In Jesus Name -amen
Undefeated Lifestyle
6 years ago
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