Have you ever known where your headed in life but not know where your at right now? We are at the half way point of 2010 right now and I don't think I've ever lived life like I've lived it in the last 6 months. I've never had a relationship with Jesus like I have today. I haven't dreamed, pursued, had a stronger marriage, been a better father, prayed, worshiped, studied, grown, hungered or engaged life like I have in the last 6 months of my life.
The flip side I've never been more stretched, never experienced more fear, have never felt more alone, never had more insecurity, never worried, never wanted to quit as much as I have in the past 6 months.
Like a famous man once said "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get." They key is sticking to the path even when you get what you didn't want or expect. Too many people get off the path that God has for their lives, for their marriage, for their children, for their purpose the minute they encounter what they do not understand. If you have to understand everything before you can trust God, then you don't have faith. The path will become invisible, impossible, impassable, impenetrable and your ability to trust God no matter what will be the only thing that keeps you on the right path.
Fear will get you to camp, Faith will get you to contend! Contend for the future that God has planned for you, don't stop! More tomorrow...
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