Sometimes it's clear, other times it's fuzzy, sometimes everything lines up and other times you have no idea where you are at. Sound familiar, The path of life...We are all on a path. I think we all have dreams and idea's of the ideal path. We have moments when we wished we had paid a little more attention to signs of the past on our path. The path can be exciting, risky, unknown, adventurous, sorrowful and joyful. The truth is, your path has the potential to become a legacy leaving a trail of future opportunity or your path could fade away known only to the feet that walked it, your own. No matter what, you will determine the path you travel on.
Big Decision...I know, so here's some encouragement for your path. The bible is filled with so much hope and direction for your path, from God setting you on the right path, to making your path straight, to choosing the right path and so forth.. One of my favorite passages is the following:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
The next few blog posts will be dedicated to the path, these will be fresh ideas that I'm in the middle of right now. Hopefully your encouraged for the path your on. Oh yeah the picture above, that's my son Isaiah and I walking on a path in Hawaii. God is walking with you too, trust Him, take His hand and he will make your path straight!
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